Friday, May 24, 2013

Kenneth Copeland

I Smell a Rat

     It seems like this guy has been on religious television forever. He is one of the wealthiest television preachers, in part due to concocting ridiculous stories like the one he tells here in an effort to disarm the many sheep in the audience. That way the audience members won't think twice about writing this worm a check or giving him cash when he asks them for their money.

     Copeland is very creative when finding ways to validate his prosperity doctrine.

     Give money to me. If you give money to me I promise that God will bless you immensely.

     You know, you have serious investigations like this one that are aired on major networks. The information is compelling, yet these liars and thieves still continue to rake in the cash. Why are people still giving to them? Do these people ever watch these types of shows? Do they even care that they are being taken for a ride?

     Granted, I am not a Christian. I was, however, raised Christian and am very familiar with the doctrines and rules and such. Now, we were taught that you do not need anyone to go to God for you on your behalf. Never. You yourself speak directly to God through prayer. That is really a key stone in the foundation of Christianity, that the believer goes before Christ themselves through prayer.
     And of course you know why Copeland has a freaking prayer line, right? Why pass up the chance to squeeze as much as possible from the believers? Create a prayer line, and when they call in offer them the newest DVD or promotional item that Jesus really wants them to have.

     This is rather interesting. This was the first time I ever heard a sermon on how God is the biggest failure in the Bible. I had to listen to it several times. You know what I realized? Copeland is right. The God presented in the Bible is definitely the greatest failure in the Bible. He is the one with the greatest amount of power, omnipotence, authority, and who consistently fucks things up for everyone, including His chosen people.

     Well, here we have actual proof that believers get drunk on the blood of Christ. I always wondered why so many people attended communion services. This show of entirely fabricated...shit, I don't even know what to call it...this is pathetic. Simply fucking pathetic. Do you feel sorry for the people getting rooked when they make the choice to believe this bullshit?

     Hubba-dubba-yabba-dabba? What the hell does he say at the beginning? He is supposed to be speaking in tongues. If he is speaking in tongues then the believing folks in the audience are listening with stupidity.

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