Friday, May 24, 2013

Hal Lindsey

Yet Another Nut from the Tree of the Spiritual Trade

     Okay, first things first. Hal Lindsey looks like he would be the love child of Kaiser Wilhelm. With that stunning revelation over let us now proceed to the first video.
     Here, Lindsey claims that Syria is quickly descending into chaos. I hate to pop his prediction bubble (well, not really) but Syria and the nations of the Middle East live in chaos. That is what they in a constant state of chaos. This is nothing fucking new, Hal baby. For whatever reason the nations in the Middle East are loathe to cease fighting.
     A few minutes into his revealing newscast Lindsey says something along the lines of those individuals in the Bible thought that the end of days was near, and that he agrees with them. ? Do you see the problem with this statement?

     Little or no interest in Bible prophecy in 1969? Bitch, ever since this bipolar religion called Christianity was formed its deluded followers have prophesied ad nauseum with little or no success.

     This mother fucker is purposely warping the truth of the issue and why the IRS did what it did. As many may know the area of religion offers many a tax break for those with a mind to spread the supposed word of God. Considering the huge amounts of money that many church organizations and their pastors rake in the IRS wants to be sure that these preachers and organizations are following the rules that qualify them for the tax breaks.
     That is what the IRS is trying to establish. Lindsey does his best to make it sound like the IRS is jumping on the invisible bandwagon of mistreating God's faithful in the United States. It is a grand plot fabricated by Satan in order to bring God and His church down.
     People who are wealthy generally want to remain wealthy although we all know it does not always work out that way. Depending on the particulars of a situation it is not uncommon for some individuals to try to qualify for tax breaks that would allow them to keep a majority of their earnings. The tax breaks intended to benefit certain qualifying organizations and individuals of faith have at times been abused.
     These particular tax breaks provided by the IRS are for specific organizations and individuals of faith and no one else, and for no other reason. If what an organization or individual pastor is doing or saying does not fit into the required category the IRS wants to know.
     What the kaiser is saying here is very misleading. Granted, I am not exactly a cheerleader for the IRS but what is being said is totally jacked up. If it is that a qualified organization or private individual is utilizing their qualifications and tax breaks as a forum for activity other than what is allowed they may be facing some trouble. In the case at hand the IRS is not picking on religion or faith or anything like that; it just wants to make sure those receiving the tax breaks are within the requirements. If they are, good. If not, not so good.
     Of course the charlatan preachers of the spiritual world do not want the IRS snooping around because the IRS may see the luxury and opulence of the personal lives of the preachers and decide to make them pay.

     Well, if those waiting for the return of Jesus would like a heads up on when He is likely to return to earth (in glory, no less) they should watch this video. Lindsey seems to think the return of Jesus is not going to be anytime soon. He makes the comment that the results of the most recent elections will affect America for the next 30 years. So, there you have it. Jesus will not be arriving anytime soon after all. It would be wise for those awaiting the departure to unpack their bags and go get a good attorney. The disappointed and divinely abandoned individual should at least take a shot at trying to get back some of the shit they gave away like the house, the car, the pets...

     So, apparently the kaiser is witnessing some very scary events and wants to impart some wisdom on how a person can deal with these 'scary' events. Hah! If you think about it a bit you will recall that a previous kaiser who witnessed some very scary events did jack shit about it resulting in Hitler eventually seizing power. 
     Lindsey treats his guests to prophecy that is about as ambiguous as you can get. Of course, Christianity must be ambiguous so that when the prophecies are wrong they are quickly and virtually painlessly restructured to fit any new prophecies.

     The essence of prophecy becoming true right before your very eyes. Hummm...I wonder where we have heard this before?

     Good evening, and welcome to the Hal Lindsey-is-Going-to-Speak-Out-of-His-Ass-Again report.

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