Right Behind
I titled this little snippet on Kirk Cameron "Right Behind" because apparently that is where this man has left his brains...right behind him.
The representatives of Christianity, here one of them Kirk Cameron, just cannot seem to give a straight answer when it comes to questions of whether or not the key reason that people believe in God/Jesus is to be forgiven of their sins. I don't see how Cameron and his sidekick can weasel out of this. People believe in God/Jesus because they want to be forgiven of their sins (whatever they may be) and want to go to heaven instead of hell.
Then we are right back at the first square, asking these glutes why people believe in the first place. It is a faith of avoidance. Believe so you do not have to go to hell. There is no other true reason to believe in Christianity. It must be acknowledged that there is a very bright line between someone simply believing in God just to believe, and the modern day Christian being someone believing to avoid hell and be forgiven of all of their so-called sins.
A man who believes in God just to believe will not ever believe in a heaven or a hell, but simply that there is something great out there that he does not understand, something he has labeled 'God'. Many who believe in God from this approach do not even view God as some conscious personality that experiences emotions, but rather the vital energy, the common, universal animator we call life.This man feels no need whatsoever to encourage or threaten or harass others into believing the same as he does. Neither is such a man threatened by any other religious belief or practice or even the choice to NOT believe in a God at all.
It must also be pointed out that the man I have described in the above paragraph is not threatened by different religions in the spiritual sense. He does not think there is a wrong way or a right way to believe in matters of a spiritual nature. This must not be confused with feeling threatened by violent faiths. That is something altogether different, for ANY faith that encourages any kind of violence or detrimental practice such as prejudices of race, age, creed, gender, yada yada plucka plucka, any such religion is not a healthy, valid faith.
Here in this video Cameron and his pal are trying very hard to change the truth of the reality of the answer to the question posed to them. ANYONE who says that they believe in God/Jesus to be forgiven their sins and to go to heaven instead of hell is a hypocrite and more than likely does not even realize it. This is not faith.
The representatives of Christianity, here one of them Kirk Cameron, just cannot seem to give a straight answer when it comes to questions of whether or not the key reason that people believe in God/Jesus is to be forgiven of their sins. I don't see how Cameron and his sidekick can weasel out of this. People believe in God/Jesus because they want to be forgiven of their sins (whatever they may be) and want to go to heaven instead of hell.
Then we are right back at the first square, asking these glutes why people believe in the first place. It is a faith of avoidance. Believe so you do not have to go to hell. There is no other true reason to believe in Christianity. It must be acknowledged that there is a very bright line between someone simply believing in God just to believe, and the modern day Christian being someone believing to avoid hell and be forgiven of all of their so-called sins.
A man who believes in God just to believe will not ever believe in a heaven or a hell, but simply that there is something great out there that he does not understand, something he has labeled 'God'. Many who believe in God from this approach do not even view God as some conscious personality that experiences emotions, but rather the vital energy, the common, universal animator we call life.This man feels no need whatsoever to encourage or threaten or harass others into believing the same as he does. Neither is such a man threatened by any other religious belief or practice or even the choice to NOT believe in a God at all.
It must also be pointed out that the man I have described in the above paragraph is not threatened by different religions in the spiritual sense. He does not think there is a wrong way or a right way to believe in matters of a spiritual nature. This must not be confused with feeling threatened by violent faiths. That is something altogether different, for ANY faith that encourages any kind of violence or detrimental practice such as prejudices of race, age, creed, gender, yada yada plucka plucka, any such religion is not a healthy, valid faith.
Here in this video Cameron and his pal are trying very hard to change the truth of the reality of the answer to the question posed to them. ANYONE who says that they believe in God/Jesus to be forgiven their sins and to go to heaven instead of hell is a hypocrite and more than likely does not even realize it. This is not faith.
The argument that people need religion as a basis for morality is ludicrous. The questioner basically asks at the beginning how, if without God, a group or nation or people would know that subjugating other less powerful nations/countries was wrong? The questioner wants to know how will the strong know to protect the weak, how will they know that is the right thing to do if they do not have God/religion?
This is a very easy question to answer. There is this really great thing called common goddamn sense. Then there is this equally excellent and amazing sense called humanity. When these two senses come together they run deeper and stronger than many, if not most Christians give credit for. Maybe some people need some big imaginary friend to tell them that it is wrong to lie, cheat, steal, kill, maim, murder, rape, subjugate, terrify...the list goes on and on. Some people have to be told these things are wrong to do. Some people do not.
And I do not think knowing social rights and wrongs can be attributed to any kind of religious spiritual nurture/nature deal. There are plenty of people in this world who were raised in horrible conditions but as adults their fine character and personal ethic helped them to contribute positively to themselves, their family, their community, and humanity as a whole.
Common sense and humanity are really the only way to improve anything beginning with the individual. This is because without common sense and humanity we cannot have compassion. Without compassion for ourselves and everyone around us, everyone on this entire planet, we lose a lot more than we gain, because without compassion (in the proper sense and according to each specific area of application) law and government and society as a whole is doomed to either suffer great strife or crumble altogether.
And when I say compassion I do not mean letting people go free when they do bad and terrible things, when people hurt each other or worse. No. That is something called stupidity and nowhere near compassion, so don't even go there. It is compassion in the sense of understanding that when people are different...love differently, speak differently, look differently, laugh differently, and so on and so forth, that we do not punish them for such. Instead, we appreciate the diversity. This is a good thing because in the process of recognizing differences we are not afraid that we will lose our own identities and practices in the process of learning about others.
This is where many Christians get completely swallowed by the elitist theories and doctrines of their faith. They are told and consequently believe that without whatever it is THEY have, without that thing all others are powerless and slated for the worst of unhappiness in hell. In order to support such a dilapidated idea of faith those immersed in it create rules, laws, regulations, and processes that are not only based on such faith but that are intended to enforce that faith ON EVERYONE. All of that piles up at a junction where the defenders of whatever faith it is piss and moan and gripe and complain how so many people are breaking laws all over the place, and are therefore immoral and detrimental to society and all decent people. Bah!
If the adherents to Christianity and any other violent and aggressive faith think that THEY are the decent people of society then THEY are bordering on the psychological territory of irreversible stupidity.
The argument that people need religion as a basis for morality is ludicrous. The questioner basically asks at the beginning how, if without God, a group or nation or people would know that subjugating other less powerful nations/countries was wrong? The questioner wants to know how will the strong know to protect the weak, how will they know that is the right thing to do if they do not have God/religion?
This is a very easy question to answer. There is this really great thing called common goddamn sense. Then there is this equally excellent and amazing sense called humanity. When these two senses come together they run deeper and stronger than many, if not most Christians give credit for. Maybe some people need some big imaginary friend to tell them that it is wrong to lie, cheat, steal, kill, maim, murder, rape, subjugate, terrify...the list goes on and on. Some people have to be told these things are wrong to do. Some people do not.
And I do not think knowing social rights and wrongs can be attributed to any kind of religious spiritual nurture/nature deal. There are plenty of people in this world who were raised in horrible conditions but as adults their fine character and personal ethic helped them to contribute positively to themselves, their family, their community, and humanity as a whole.
Common sense and humanity are really the only way to improve anything beginning with the individual. This is because without common sense and humanity we cannot have compassion. Without compassion for ourselves and everyone around us, everyone on this entire planet, we lose a lot more than we gain, because without compassion (in the proper sense and according to each specific area of application) law and government and society as a whole is doomed to either suffer great strife or crumble altogether.
And when I say compassion I do not mean letting people go free when they do bad and terrible things, when people hurt each other or worse. No. That is something called stupidity and nowhere near compassion, so don't even go there. It is compassion in the sense of understanding that when people are different...love differently, speak differently, look differently, laugh differently, and so on and so forth, that we do not punish them for such. Instead, we appreciate the diversity. This is a good thing because in the process of recognizing differences we are not afraid that we will lose our own identities and practices in the process of learning about others.
This is where many Christians get completely swallowed by the elitist theories and doctrines of their faith. They are told and consequently believe that without whatever it is THEY have, without that thing all others are powerless and slated for the worst of unhappiness in hell. In order to support such a dilapidated idea of faith those immersed in it create rules, laws, regulations, and processes that are not only based on such faith but that are intended to enforce that faith ON EVERYONE. All of that piles up at a junction where the defenders of whatever faith it is piss and moan and gripe and complain how so many people are breaking laws all over the place, and are therefore immoral and detrimental to society and all decent people. Bah!
If the adherents to Christianity and any other violent and aggressive faith think that THEY are the decent people of society then THEY are bordering on the psychological territory of irreversible stupidity.
Listen to the statistic stated at the beginning of this video that ten percent of the US population does not believe in God...with the actual number of atheists being around twenty million. This version of mathematics is interesting since the 2012 reported population was a hair over 313 million. It would seem the old bag mentioning the statistic left out about ten million people.
Moving on, part of this discussion centered around convincing atheists and non-believers in general as to the truth of the Bible and salvation. I think that this idea of 'convincing' others is somewhat contrary to what faith is supposed to be in the first place. Faith does not require convincing on any level. Not only that, but faith comes from within the individual who makes the decision to accept something lock, stock and barrel in the absence of ANY proof or coercion.
Take note of how Cameron tries to prove God exists. It is the typical argument of you-don't-know-how-you-got-here-so-it-must-be-God.
Listen to the statistic stated at the beginning of this video that ten percent of the US population does not believe in God...with the actual number of atheists being around twenty million. This version of mathematics is interesting since the 2012 reported population was a hair over 313 million. It would seem the old bag mentioning the statistic left out about ten million people.
Moving on, part of this discussion centered around convincing atheists and non-believers in general as to the truth of the Bible and salvation. I think that this idea of 'convincing' others is somewhat contrary to what faith is supposed to be in the first place. Faith does not require convincing on any level. Not only that, but faith comes from within the individual who makes the decision to accept something lock, stock and barrel in the absence of ANY proof or coercion.
Take note of how Cameron tries to prove God exists. It is the typical argument of you-don't-know-how-you-got-here-so-it-must-be-God.
Holy shit this is too funny! The intentional misuse and abuse of information and philosophical arguments in an effort to prove Christianity is expected. The reasoning of Cameron and his pal is both riddled with error and delightfully entertaining. You know, it is kinda scary how many child actors from television series totally go off the deep end as they get older.
Holy shit this is too funny! The intentional misuse and abuse of information and philosophical arguments in an effort to prove Christianity is expected. The reasoning of Cameron and his pal is both riddled with error and delightfully entertaining. You know, it is kinda scary how many child actors from television series totally go off the deep end as they get older.
This is so retarded. Cameron proceeds to make use of an example that is not applicable let alone possible. Jumping out of a plane at 25,000 feet up? He should have researched this analogy a little more so he could at least make the stated altitude a little more believable.
This is so retarded. Cameron proceeds to make use of an example that is not applicable let alone possible. Jumping out of a plane at 25,000 feet up? He should have researched this analogy a little more so he could at least make the stated altitude a little more believable.
Don't you just love how the guy asking the questions purposely misstates the theories within evolution? What makes it even better is the fact that he tries very hard to use the lack of knowledge as to how life formed on earth as a validating factor for Christianity. That right there is part of the stupidity of the approach of many believers who try to convert others. Non-believers cannot provide answers for where everything came from or provide proof for the non-existence of God, therefore the believers are correct.
Well, the believers fail to recall that they don't know anything more than what the atheist/non-believer knows as to how everything came to be. Better yet, not one Christian has proof FOR the existence of God...and I do not mean hand-me-down religious beliefs either. I mean real, hard proof. First-hand proof. Proof that does not consist of the Bible or superstitious claims. Proof that is not God supposedly speaking THROUGH someone who says God told them to say something.
Never ONCE has this mighty, all-inclusive, omnipotent God shown Himself. Not once. And I do not mean any prophet saying God said this or that or spoke in a dream or appeared as a fucking burning bush in the boondocks of the Middle East. The God of the Bible NEVER does anything for Himself because He always gets someone else to do it for him.
In response to this a believer would counter with the comment that mega natural disasters and freaky weather patterns are caused by the supernatural powers of God and man does not have the mighty power to control the weather and the movements of the earth. This is just the continuation of a dreadfully stupid argument offered by Christianity since, not only is that claim NOT literal, actual proof of God, but they cannot provide any proof whatsoever that there was any just cause for believing that some God was screwing around with things in the first place.
Don't you just love how the guy asking the questions purposely misstates the theories within evolution? What makes it even better is the fact that he tries very hard to use the lack of knowledge as to how life formed on earth as a validating factor for Christianity. That right there is part of the stupidity of the approach of many believers who try to convert others. Non-believers cannot provide answers for where everything came from or provide proof for the non-existence of God, therefore the believers are correct.
Well, the believers fail to recall that they don't know anything more than what the atheist/non-believer knows as to how everything came to be. Better yet, not one Christian has proof FOR the existence of God...and I do not mean hand-me-down religious beliefs either. I mean real, hard proof. First-hand proof. Proof that does not consist of the Bible or superstitious claims. Proof that is not God supposedly speaking THROUGH someone who says God told them to say something.
Never ONCE has this mighty, all-inclusive, omnipotent God shown Himself. Not once. And I do not mean any prophet saying God said this or that or spoke in a dream or appeared as a fucking burning bush in the boondocks of the Middle East. The God of the Bible NEVER does anything for Himself because He always gets someone else to do it for him.
In response to this a believer would counter with the comment that mega natural disasters and freaky weather patterns are caused by the supernatural powers of God and man does not have the mighty power to control the weather and the movements of the earth. This is just the continuation of a dreadfully stupid argument offered by Christianity since, not only is that claim NOT literal, actual proof of God, but they cannot provide any proof whatsoever that there was any just cause for believing that some God was screwing around with things in the first place.
Here we have Cameron trying to sound deep and introspective as he purposely over-simplifies evolutionary theories. Cameron probably thinks that his knowledge of the Bible and Christian doctrines and practices make him an honorary, qualified geologist and a man of great spiritual intellect. He reminds me of the criminals who think they are cataclysmic-ally smarter than everyone else since, while in prison, they read every book on philosophy that they could find in the prison library. Then the criminals take every possible opportunity to impart their perceived wisdom upon others by regurgitating what they read and applying such to all the wrong situations and circumstances.
Here we have Cameron trying to sound deep and introspective as he purposely over-simplifies evolutionary theories. Cameron probably thinks that his knowledge of the Bible and Christian doctrines and practices make him an honorary, qualified geologist and a man of great spiritual intellect. He reminds me of the criminals who think they are cataclysmic-ally smarter than everyone else since, while in prison, they read every book on philosophy that they could find in the prison library. Then the criminals take every possible opportunity to impart their perceived wisdom upon others by regurgitating what they read and applying such to all the wrong situations and circumstances.
More examples of Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum warping or altogether lying about their cited references and examples. It gets better, right? Cameron asserts that humans and apes are so similar to each other that there must be a common Creator.
More examples of Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum warping or altogether lying about their cited references and examples. It gets better, right? Cameron asserts that humans and apes are so similar to each other that there must be a common Creator.
While I do find this video entertaining there is still a part of me that gets so goddamn pissed off. Fucking 'A' man. Don't these assholes know when to fucking quit? And they wonder why so many people have so many issues with Christianity and similar religions. These supposed faiths are loaded with lies, purposeful misrepresentation and conclusions that reside only in the land of aberrant reasoning.
While I do find this video entertaining there is still a part of me that gets so goddamn pissed off. Fucking 'A' man. Don't these assholes know when to fucking quit? And they wonder why so many people have so many issues with Christianity and similar religions. These supposed faiths are loaded with lies, purposeful misrepresentation and conclusions that reside only in the land of aberrant reasoning.
Man will believe anything so long as it is NOT in the Bible? Why would anyone want to believe anything from the Bible? Sure sure, God is love and all that happy shit, but have these idiots forgotten the horrible shit in the Bible? Rape, murder, adultery, child slavery, infanticide, patricide, incest...do you want me to go on?
Man will believe anything so long as it is NOT in the Bible? Why would anyone want to believe anything from the Bible? Sure sure, God is love and all that happy shit, but have these idiots forgotten the horrible shit in the Bible? Rape, murder, adultery, child slavery, infanticide, patricide, incest...do you want me to go on?
Hah! Listen to Cameron as he explains his grand plan for attacking the book "Origin of Species" and evolution as a whole. Good thing he is not in the military in a leadership position that requires sharp thinking in order to create winning, successful strategies. I can only imagine the horrible things that would happen.
Hah! Listen to Cameron as he explains his grand plan for attacking the book "Origin of Species" and evolution as a whole. Good thing he is not in the military in a leadership position that requires sharp thinking in order to create winning, successful strategies. I can only imagine the horrible things that would happen.
Cameron and fellow nitwit Bill O'reilly discuss gay marriage. Get your popcorn ready...
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