Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Benny Hinn

Great Swami Benny Hinn Makes Predictions and Absurd Statements:
What else is new?!

Alright, before we push the launch button you gotta watch this. I laughed so freaking hard when I first saw this and watched it several times in a row. SO hilarious!!

And...Away We Go!
     Benny Hinn is one of the more entertaining preachers on television of whom there is no shortage of films and clips depicting the delusional charlatan making some of the most stupid assertions and claims. Never mind the hilarity of that horrible thing on top of his head that I would assume is supposed to be a wig (it looks more like a half-ass comb over frozen solid by Aqua-Net hairspray) but the peels of laughter that are elicited every time you listen to his jibes are simply too good to pass up.

Hinn a False Prophet? Could it REALLY Be?
Many people, believers and non-believers alike, have loudly proclaimed that Benny Hinn is a false prophet. Watch and listen to what this guy says in these clips and make a decision for yourself.

Jesus is SHAKING the world? Jesus is appearing in the Muslim world? Alrighty then. Why aren't the Muslims putting this on TV...that some guy is popping up in the Muslim world and telling people he is Jesus of Nazareth?

God must be on some other schedule of time. Benny Hinn says God will destroy the homosexual community of America with fire in the 90s. Now, years and years later, that simply has not happened. Maybe Hinn meant the 2090s.

The first part of this clip reminds me of Jimmy Swaggart's tear-filled "I Have Sinned Again" speech. Then there is the screwy part of where Hinn says that Adam had the power of flight. WHAT is this guy on, cuz it isn't Jesus.

Listen very carefully to Hinn's explanation of how the anointing of God comes upon him and causes him to heal people of cancer and pain. He even says there are people who claim to be healed but are really NOT healed...that is not his fault. RRIIIGGGHHHTT.

Every prophet needs a ways a means to live, right? Sure, but THIS kind of living? Maybe God and Jesus are a bit more opulent than people ever thought. Who would have thought that a prophet of God needs a Mercedes and high end clothing and a private jet and a load of other shit. Whatever, right? It is good to know that men of God are accepted at resorts and spas.

Benny Hinn Says Jesus Needs Your Money
Ahh, religion. Where oh where would many of the faiths of the world be if people did not pump millions upon millions of dollars into the supposed holy men of the world and the stories of amazing wonder that they preach?

All things are possible to him who hath no shame in begging for money and disguising such as a heavenly requests. You GO, Benny!

Hah!!! Sewing the seeds of love, or sewing the seeds of money? Put the money directly into his hand instead of a bucket? Benny, sweetie, you are undeniably...a complete DOUCHE. What kind of God is it that YOU worship who demands to receive before giving a blessing?

The only way you could possibly benefit financially with this asshole is to NEVER give him money of ANY SORT. And for the love of Pete don't buy his bullshit twist of needing to give finances in order to be blessed. Shee-it. Joseph Gobbels has nothing on the gift of propaganda of this jerk.

Benny Hinn will never run dry financially so long as the lambs of the world continue to hand over their coinage to a fellow who is nothing more than a liar, a con, and a disgrace to people who really do search for spirituality in their lives.

Hinn Heals the Sick?
Benny Hinn heals nothing save for his wallet. Also, looking at the footage where he seems to be whipping peoples' heads about on their necks he can probably expect a civil suit at some point for assault and battery.

If there was such a thing as hell (which there is not unless you want to count El Paso, Texas) Benny Hinn would be a distinguished resident.

Well, well, well. The truth of the Bible exposed by a charlatan prophet. Fear. FEAR. Fear God and everything, including life, will be yours. The ONLY thing dependable about the Bible is the continued threats against people who choose to NOT swallow such poppycock.

Listen to what this lady says...total stupidity and her facts (supposed facts) do NOT match up. And why is the lady speaking slow as shit as though she has had a good fifth of Jack and trying REAL hard to not slur? Hilarious.

Where do they find these people? Can you hear me now? He is whispering into a fucking mic...EVERYONE can hear him, ya douche!

Nothing like false hope and false healing. Don't worry. I hear Karma is a real bitch. Hinn's silver and sly tongue cannot save him from the SEEDS he has sewn. 

You would think that the power that God has supposedly filled Hinn with would allow him to speak to people without a translator. Seriously. You're telling me, Benny-boy, that you can heal a person of cancer and deafness and a whole bunch of maladies but you CAN'T speak their damn language?

So goddamn stupid. And some people wonder why so many other people refuse to believe in a phantom of a God who allows assholes like this guy to take advantage of the weak minded individuals of the world. Some people really are searching for truth and help and mercy...and they run into this fucker. So sad. So very sad.

This made me angry. Who made this little girl do this? She looks mortified and appalled.

But of COURSE the example presented of an actual healing would be the child of a preacher. Please. Like we didn't see that one from two states away.

Benny Hinn Does Not Heal
The only reason Benny Hinn is still a televangelist is because people continue to be bamboozled by this circus freak of a preacher. Listen to the crap he says in these clips.

The only miracles in Hinn's crusades are that people continue to give him attention and money.

More examples of Benny Hinn using the supposed power of God to MIRACULOUSLY get people to trust him and give him money. I like the questions that are asked of him. His answers are even better.

It is okay to want to search for faith and to search for healing. It is entirely natural, for a parent especially, to search for help and healing of family. It is NOT okay to take advantage of people seeking and searching for such. But, charlatans like Benny Hinn do this shit all the time and that is your best clue that there is no hell, because if there really was such a terrible place where blasphemers and bad people and evil people and abusers go, well, jerks like this would NOT do what they do and get away with it.

That's right, Larry King, you go right on ahead and try to make the dragon look like a kitten. You fail and you don't get any points. In fact, we are going to issue demerits.

Horrible, horrible acting. Where is a Raspberry Award when you really need to give it?

Ahh, the BEST way to explain what you claim to do, to explain the power that you claim to have is to claim you yourself do not understand it, but it is something that the Spirit of God instructs you to do. Liar, liar...pants on fire.

Absurdly Stupid Claims by Benny Hinn
So...these claims are so stupid they are entertaining. If anything claimed by Hinn were actually true there would be all kinds of new standards set, especially in medical science.

A man raised from the dead on stage? Of course Hinn makes the claim this happened in Africa and NOT the United States. Think about that.

Pastor Benny Hinn stumbles through pressing questions and gives bullshit, half-ass answers. He can't convince people of his marvelous powers? Humm. He sure does convince many to give him money.

Oppressed by the devil? Have a curse placed upon you? Subjected to the wiles of demons? Then pack your bags and head to the next city where Benny Hinn will be appearing and maybe you too can be healed by the holy charlatan, his bottles of snake oil, and his wagon of wares.

What in the hell is this horseshit?

Look, Benny, the lady is cutting herself because she has psychological issues. She needs medical help and you are not it. Your version of what the Bible has to say is not going to help her to level out in her psychological problems and imbalances. Your claims are so fucked up it is scary to think that people would go to you for help instead of a hospital.

A lady put a curse on this guy when he was eleven years old...at least that is according to Benny Hinn. Come on, Hinn...you gotta come up with some better story lines than this. Rob Zombie writes better movie scripts than you write sermons for the stage.

The puzzle coming together? The only puzzle is why people continue to come together to listen to the lies falling from your lips, Benny. The Antichrist has GOT to be alive somewhere? You sound like you were a member of the team looking for the WMDs that Bush swore were real, right? Those WMDs have GOT to be somewhere.

Thank goodness there are people who see this guy for the lying douche he is.

I applaud this lady for having the guts to post a video saying she was taken by Benny Hinn. It takes a lot to admit you believed a lie to be the truth. You have some real guts, Ma'm.

Fruit of a Good Tree?
So, in the Bible it says you will know whether or not a tree is good by the fruit it produces. Well, take a big bite of these fruits.

Hilarious video about this bad fruit known as Benny Hinn.

Here is a little background on the planting of the seed that led to the tree bringing forth bad fruit and the effects of that bad fruit.

What is it with preachers and women? He isn't even good looking...not even close. Paula should work on her excuses and explanations a little more, or maybe hire someone more experience in writing such.

What a total ass. You poor, poor man. You sure do make it sound like you did nothing wrong. Typical. So ever-loving typical. No biblical grounds for divorcing you? Right. How about legal grounds?

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