Monday, May 20, 2013

John Hagee

Another Nut in the Tree of Religion

     Pastor John Hagee is a fine example of a person being completely and totally consumed by the darkness of the stupid things they believe. This in turn leads them to say some pretty stupid shit when it comes to the tension between believers and non-believers.
     If you listen to what this moron says in this video you would think that the religious populations of the United States of America have no rights. So misleading. No one is saying that you cannot preach that shit in your church or to your kids. What people are saying is that if they don't want to listen to your shit they don't have to listen to your shit.
     Pastor Hagee, no one is taking your rights nor the rights of any believer in this country. What people are doing is putting their foot down to prevent you and your lunatic asylum religion from trying to create legislation built on such horse puckey beliefs. Then whatever new political and economic issue is emerging you automatically chalk that up to yet another sign of the end of the world. You have no goddamn good news. All you have is threats and violence that is disguised as hope and faith.

     Listen to what he is saying here. How is it any different than how many of the extremist terrorists think? They so deeply believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong that they DIE for this supposed truth. Your religion and faith are no different than that of the violent terrorists who try to use some supposed imparted truth as a validator for killing people by flying planes in buildings or walking into a cafe with an explosive device strapped to their back.
     Jesus Christ will rule the world in peace and glory? Seriously? This divine being who supposedly brought peace and light and love upon the earth has in reality left a huge swath of destruction that can be seen from the very creation of this divine being to present times.

     And because of bullshit sermons like this the weak minded people of the world are afraid of knowledge and education and technology. Listen to what this asshole says about the developments made in communication.

     Sure, sure, sure. The Bible is SO clear about this supposed economic collapse to end all economin collapses that it does not give any specifics. Everything is generalized to the finest detail which is precisely why there is always some group or other somewhere in the world at almost any given point in history claiming to be in the last days.

     This is straight fucked up. Amazing. I did not know that all people on welfare were lazy sons of bitches that have access to a job but refuse to take it. By the way, WHERE is the love of your God? Is THAT what Jesus would say to someone in such a situation? STARVE?!

     More shocking words falling from the lips of a lunatic.

     Don't you just love how this guy stretches the truth and the facts? America not bowing to God? I hope not. Why would any clear thinking individual follow any of the viciousness that you follow? You bag on Scientology because you think your version of faith sounds so much better? Are you high? People do not need the tenets of your screwy religion in order to understand morality. People can make proper decisions without religion and they do it every day and all the time.

     Just another spooky video clip created by the religious zealots of the world and intended to frighten people into believing in the story of salvation by Jesus.

     Sure, Mr. Hagee. Sure. The fight for oil has nothing to do with the Bible or your delusions, but rather has everything to do with opposing governments trying to get the best of each other so that in the end someone ends up with more power than the other.

     It isn't so much that Hagee and people like him don't want gay marriage so much as it is they are so very disappointed to see that they are losing their talon grip on the small amount of political power that they have, which they should not have, and which they use to try to formulate laws that govern everyone...even those who do not believe the same or who do not believe in any God at all. Equality, Mr. Hagee. It scares the piss out of you, doesn't it?

     Well well well! Some one is going to get sent to bed early without any desert! You are such a douchebag, Hagee. It is not about limiting religion or religious rights. It is about separating church and state so that we don't have screws like you making laws that step on the rights of those who choose to believe differently. And no, I will not move. I will stay here in this country that I love and speak out against worms like you.
     By the way, what happened to the love of God? Where is the mighty love of your God, Hagee? Come on, now, don't hold out! Where is this love that is supposed to conquer all but that allows you to speak in such an obtuse manner to those who believe differently?

     The only kind of disciples this guy makes is disciples of fear.

     Here is Christianity in a nutshell: We win, you lose. That is Christianity. A bunch of Bible thumpers who truly think there is some grand battle where they are going to prove in the end how right they were and how everyone else is so very wrong. Believe in Jesus to be glorified. Believe in God to live in the light and be victorious. There is nothing good about you or your message, Hagee.

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