Pat Robertson: Showing the Love of God
Pat Robertson is a man of considerable education, a man who is supposed to be a representative of a God...THE God...that consists of all things great and wonderful and beautiful and loving and holy. However, listening to some of the crap this guy says you wouldn't think you were listening to a representative of the greatest love of the universe. His comments are often filled with prejudice, hate, and requests for divine judgment on those who do not measure up to Robertson's little world of spiritual delusion.
Before you go and devote yourself to a spiritual cause that has consistently been shown to be detrimental to humankind take a look at these clips and listen to what this asshole has to say about what he holds to be just and true in the universe.
This clip is Robertson's plug against adopting children. What a total douche.
Here is Robertson confusing people not wanting to hear his bullshit on religion with some kind of infringement on his right to practice the religion of his choice. Pat does not seem to understand that his freedom of religion does not translate to having authority to treat people poorly if they do not believe and live in the manner that his faith decrees, or that he can take the rules of his delusional faith and expect all others to apply such to their own lives. Stuff it, Pat.
Here we go again with Robertson demanding that people live according to the rules of his asshole God.
Pat Robertson endorses wife beating.
Nothing like using a national tragedy to promote your view of God and salvation and right and wrong. If you are lucky, you will be able to make it sound like all of the people who DON'T believe in the poppycock of the Bible are to be blamed for such tragedy.
Pat Robertson enlightens the world on why Islam is not a religion. Moron.
Here is Robertson's claim that Haiti made a pact with the devil eons ago.
Robertson smokes crack for breakfast.
Maybe the reason Robertson says so much crazy stuff is because he has dementia. This guy is so secure in his belief that he is right and everyone else is wrong that he truly thinks it is his duty to spout the bullshit that he spouts. You just gotta listen to the things he predicts for America since all of America does not believe in the manner that he does.
Another stupidity driven statement escapes from Robertson's mouth.
Why do marriages suffer? According to Robertson it is because of ugly wives.
Holy Jesus this is freaking funny!!
Move over doppler radar, we have Robertson praying!
Pat Robertson as a modern-day Van Helsing.
Is this old windbag for real?
Oh wow. Wow.
Pat Robertson needs a mental enema.
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