Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fred Phelps

When Religion Becomes Pathological

     If you have not heard of the infamous Reverend Fred Phelps you very likely live under a religious rock. Considering the absolutely ugly nature of this man, someone who is supposed to be a man of God, you will find it very difficult indeed to refer to him as a reverend.
     This group is a hate group, plain and simple. There is ZERO message of love within this group. I can only imagine the severe psychological ramifications of raising a child within this horrible gathering of people who do not in any way seem to worship God or Jesus, but rather worship hate and violence.

     This is the first of seven videos that shed light on the dark rhetoric and behavior of a religious group that is entirely steeped in hate, violence, and disgusting treatment of anything or anyone different from them or their ugly and deluded interpretation of the Bible.
     I only included the link to the first video. If you wish to watch the other six videos you will see them pop up on the right of the youtube screen when you watch the first video.

     This is an interview given by one of the sons of Fred Phelps. I find his story very interesting. I respect that as 'out there' and aggressive and violent as his father Fred has been, this man, his son, did not villify Fred Phelps and did not go off on tangents of what some of the repercussions of the group's aberrant behavior has been on the people and communities affected by such violenct faith. He simply talks about some of the things he went through and the effects such things had on him.

     This is hilarious. Fred Phelps says that Anderson Cooper is an evangelist for Satan and that Cooper is an all-out servant of the devil. Fred Phelps is so far out there he is in realms of outer space that up to this point have not yet been discovered. 

     This was too funny to not put in the blog, so I did.

     What the fuck is this old codger babbling about? Divine appointment? Sparrows and farthings and no sparrow falling to the ground? Say what? This is an incoherent tangle of verses and random statements.

     Oh dear lord...listen to the bullshit this woman is spouting. Legislative Taliban in Iowa? 

     Wow. God sent a hurricane to damage the United States because people spoke out against the prejudiced fundamentalists of the Westboro Baptist Church? Listen to what this nut says about 9/11 victims, our soldiers that die in present conflicts, and even the unbelievable rant he gives on the President of the United States. This man is a true tragedy.

     Oh look! Here we have the spawn of Satan...I mean the spawn of Fred Phelps. Just as nutty ho-ho as his pappy. How terribly sad.

     Here we have the Crypt Keeper trying out for the lead role of Reverend Fred Phelps in the upcoming movie called "Should Have Given Him a Higher Dose of Lithium." 

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