Friday, May 24, 2013

Joyce Meyer

God Gives Receipts?

     I will say this for Meyer: She has the gifts of gab and the ability to inject just the right amount of humor into whatever it is she is saying. She definitely has charisma which if you really think about it is essential for any successful preacher. Charisma goes a long way in ensuring that the congregation members will stay right where the preacher needs them to that particular congregation. While Meyer does have immense charisma above and beyond that of a majority of preachers out there in the religious world, she is edged out by pastor Joel Osteen. Osteen's calm demeanor, kind voice and lack of filling his sermons with negative messages of hell put him at the very top of the preacher charisma category.
     Moving on to our first video we hear Meyer basically preaching that you should show the devil that you will go the extra mile for God by rounding up to the nearest dollar when paying your tithe. Hah! That is pretty novel. Who wants to be seen as someone who does just the bare minimum, the lowest requirement? The way Meyer puts it you would think that not rounding up or not tithing more than what is required is a sign of an obstinate and stingy believer. What a crock of shit, Meyer. And you preach with that mouth?

     Here we go again with religious people attacking other religious people who are popular. Joyce Meyer is amazingly popular and much like Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland who also have amazingly large followings she is picked at by others within the faith. I bet many of those doing the picking are just green with envy at the amount of money that many of the preachers they speak out against make on a consistent basis. This envy is hidden in, disguised as faithful followers of Christ simply trying to disrobe those clothed in the garb of a false prophet. The funny thing is...ALL of them are full of it.

    Jesus Christ in a chariot driven sidecar...every preacher of every religion in every denomination have asserted at some point or other that THEY have been called by God. The crux of her message is if you continue to tithe you will be taken care of by God. You may not get the new clothes or the new car or the new house, but by Jesus and Mary, God will make sure what you have will last. Any doubts that you have about tithing is just the devil come to try to peel you away from the faith and the law of giving. This is a test. This is only a test of the spiritual broadcast system. Had this been anything other than a test it isn't God but the devil. Don't forget to sign your name on the check and for whatever amount you put down Jesus is commanding you to add two zeroes.

     This is a delicious hoot! Of course you know as well as I that while a preacher may be silver-tongued and quite convincing, it is the individual who believes that horseshit who must shoulder some of the blame. It is the person who allows themself to believe such poppycock who is, in the final analysis, responsible for their condition of spiritual slavery.

     Holy shit! I am in the wrong business! A ten thousand square foot home? Homes for the kids? All bills paid by the ministry? Oh man, no wonder why so many people become preachers. They are swimming in cash! I suppose it really does not matter how many people speak out against these folks because in the end there are always the spiritually inept in the world who are all too willing to give their money to these phonies.

     This is interesting. I grew up steeped in the Christian faith and what Meyer is preaching here is totally otra de la Biblia. Of course, the way the Bible is written you can put just about ANY MEANING YOU WANT to anything that is written in the Bible. That is the terrible beauty of religion. You can change it to fit the people and the times and even make it fit the politics. Three cheers for religion...rah rah rah!!

     This is so goddamn jacked up. Since when did receiving equate with receipting? What the hell kind of bullshit is this? Since when do people do good things with the belief or intent that somewhere down the line when they need something they can 'cash in' whatever it is they have done in their lives to get what they need? If that isn't some fucked up and severely twisted doctrine I don't know what is. When you do something good you do it for the sake of being good and not for the purpose of receiving something back.

Joel Osteen

Mr. Nice Guy

     Oh dear Jesus. Just what we needed, a preacher so nice and so seemingly kind that people will not be aware and on the lookout for the screwy shit that he says. The joke he gives in the beginning of his sermon is funny though. Totally excellent!
     Alright! Hold up your Bible and say it like you mean it! This is my Bible. It says what I want it to say. It says I can do what I want to do. It says why I am better than you and have power when you don't. Today I will continue to learn why my God is better than your God. In the name of religion, amen.

     Praise allows God to arrange things in your favor? Say what? So, if I want things to go in my favor all I have to do is praise? Alright, let's try it. Hummm...dear Jesus, you are wonderful and the bomb and I read your Bible and words every day. I think you are the best deity ever. WOW! I just got a Beemer! Woo hoo!!

     Do you realize that all of these answers that pastors and religious folk give to people in order to help them live are never in one piece or in one message? It is always a series of four, five, nine, twelve. Why do you think that is? Well, if you break the message up into as many sellable parts as possible you will more than likely make a shitload more money.

     This is hilarious! Don't you just love it when the religious leaders of the world bicker over dogma and practices? Jesus and God meant this! No! Jesus and God meant this! Then you have this group of preachers fighting with that group of preachers as they charge the money holding congregations of the world that the other guy is wrong and they should not listen to him but go to the next guy. These douchebags LOVE to call each other wolves.

     Well, SOMEBODY watched "The Secret" and then wrote out his sermon.

     Yet another message that is obviously created by another preacher who is amazingly jealous of Osteen's popularity, growing church and growing wealth. Every preacher in the world claims to know what it is exactly that the words of the Bible were intended to mean. And while these idiots fight over which faith is the correct faith all they end up doing is adding a bit more ugliness to the world.

     Of course this guy is not sorry for being rich! What idiot would be sorry for being rich?

Kenneth Hagin

Fossil Claims to be 'Drunk' with God

     Okay. So, before we get to the video where Methuselah here claims to be exhibiting behavior that indicates he is drunk with God (possibly one of THE stupidest claims in the history of people making stupid claims) we will first take a peek at a few examples of the ridiculousness that seems to plague so many of those slaves, I mean servants of the gospel as they try to convince others to convert.
     What better way to convert people than to conjure up some half-baked story of how you had some experience where you left your body and went to hell. Some people are convinced by these dreams, experiences, or whatever it is you call them. Of course, there are stories where people say they go to heaven and then come back. For some that is a much better story to listen to in order to convert.

     Here is one of the examples where this old codger tries to validate his claim that laughing and acting a fool is recommended in the Bible. Total turd. What is particularly annoying is how he keeps repeating repeating repeating the same goddamn words over and over. Then he adds in a sprinkle of speaking in tongues. So hard to believe that people fall for this shit.

     What the fuck language is this old windbag supposed to be speaking? Engalama-kante-see? Ha-ha-ha-echo-rene-maya? What a giant load of shit.

     This is hilarious. Hagin says that when he gets a certain signal from God he knows that God is going to do things through him. So what is this signal? Is it something like the mayor of Gotham City used when he needed Batman? Is it by telegram or Pony Express? And how do you like the little skit here where this asshole supposedly lengthens the leg of a man? He would have been all over Time and People if he ever did such a miraculous thing.

     Here is a rambling prayer so long that you have ample time to run home, make dinner, do the dishes, take a nap, and then meander back to church in time to hear this fraud pray the words of ding-dong-bong-bing-bang-cho-chee-cha-mah towards the end of his prayer. His moments of supposedly speaking in tongues is pure idiocy.

     SOOOOO STUPID! There really isn't much more to say than so mother fucking stupid. The more you watch crap like this the more you come to believe that people who believe this shit can bail themselves out of their own prison of religion. They were stupid enough to believe it, so they can be bright enough to to stop believing it and revert to the real fucking world. Listen to these people whooping and cheering like little girls at a Justin Beiber concert.

     This is hilarious. This supposed prophecy by Hagin sounds suspiciously like something that seer of seers Nostradamus would say. Meaning, it is severely ambiguous and contains just enough of the right words to make people think it is being specific. Retards.

Hal Lindsey

Yet Another Nut from the Tree of the Spiritual Trade

     Okay, first things first. Hal Lindsey looks like he would be the love child of Kaiser Wilhelm. With that stunning revelation over let us now proceed to the first video.
     Here, Lindsey claims that Syria is quickly descending into chaos. I hate to pop his prediction bubble (well, not really) but Syria and the nations of the Middle East live in chaos. That is what they in a constant state of chaos. This is nothing fucking new, Hal baby. For whatever reason the nations in the Middle East are loathe to cease fighting.
     A few minutes into his revealing newscast Lindsey says something along the lines of those individuals in the Bible thought that the end of days was near, and that he agrees with them. ? Do you see the problem with this statement?

     Little or no interest in Bible prophecy in 1969? Bitch, ever since this bipolar religion called Christianity was formed its deluded followers have prophesied ad nauseum with little or no success.

     This mother fucker is purposely warping the truth of the issue and why the IRS did what it did. As many may know the area of religion offers many a tax break for those with a mind to spread the supposed word of God. Considering the huge amounts of money that many church organizations and their pastors rake in the IRS wants to be sure that these preachers and organizations are following the rules that qualify them for the tax breaks.
     That is what the IRS is trying to establish. Lindsey does his best to make it sound like the IRS is jumping on the invisible bandwagon of mistreating God's faithful in the United States. It is a grand plot fabricated by Satan in order to bring God and His church down.
     People who are wealthy generally want to remain wealthy although we all know it does not always work out that way. Depending on the particulars of a situation it is not uncommon for some individuals to try to qualify for tax breaks that would allow them to keep a majority of their earnings. The tax breaks intended to benefit certain qualifying organizations and individuals of faith have at times been abused.
     These particular tax breaks provided by the IRS are for specific organizations and individuals of faith and no one else, and for no other reason. If what an organization or individual pastor is doing or saying does not fit into the required category the IRS wants to know.
     What the kaiser is saying here is very misleading. Granted, I am not exactly a cheerleader for the IRS but what is being said is totally jacked up. If it is that a qualified organization or private individual is utilizing their qualifications and tax breaks as a forum for activity other than what is allowed they may be facing some trouble. In the case at hand the IRS is not picking on religion or faith or anything like that; it just wants to make sure those receiving the tax breaks are within the requirements. If they are, good. If not, not so good.
     Of course the charlatan preachers of the spiritual world do not want the IRS snooping around because the IRS may see the luxury and opulence of the personal lives of the preachers and decide to make them pay.

     Well, if those waiting for the return of Jesus would like a heads up on when He is likely to return to earth (in glory, no less) they should watch this video. Lindsey seems to think the return of Jesus is not going to be anytime soon. He makes the comment that the results of the most recent elections will affect America for the next 30 years. So, there you have it. Jesus will not be arriving anytime soon after all. It would be wise for those awaiting the departure to unpack their bags and go get a good attorney. The disappointed and divinely abandoned individual should at least take a shot at trying to get back some of the shit they gave away like the house, the car, the pets...

     So, apparently the kaiser is witnessing some very scary events and wants to impart some wisdom on how a person can deal with these 'scary' events. Hah! If you think about it a bit you will recall that a previous kaiser who witnessed some very scary events did jack shit about it resulting in Hitler eventually seizing power. 
     Lindsey treats his guests to prophecy that is about as ambiguous as you can get. Of course, Christianity must be ambiguous so that when the prophecies are wrong they are quickly and virtually painlessly restructured to fit any new prophecies.

     The essence of prophecy becoming true right before your very eyes. Hummm...I wonder where we have heard this before?

     Good evening, and welcome to the Hal Lindsey-is-Going-to-Speak-Out-of-His-Ass-Again report.

Kenneth Copeland

I Smell a Rat

     It seems like this guy has been on religious television forever. He is one of the wealthiest television preachers, in part due to concocting ridiculous stories like the one he tells here in an effort to disarm the many sheep in the audience. That way the audience members won't think twice about writing this worm a check or giving him cash when he asks them for their money.

     Copeland is very creative when finding ways to validate his prosperity doctrine.

     Give money to me. If you give money to me I promise that God will bless you immensely.

     You know, you have serious investigations like this one that are aired on major networks. The information is compelling, yet these liars and thieves still continue to rake in the cash. Why are people still giving to them? Do these people ever watch these types of shows? Do they even care that they are being taken for a ride?

     Granted, I am not a Christian. I was, however, raised Christian and am very familiar with the doctrines and rules and such. Now, we were taught that you do not need anyone to go to God for you on your behalf. Never. You yourself speak directly to God through prayer. That is really a key stone in the foundation of Christianity, that the believer goes before Christ themselves through prayer.
     And of course you know why Copeland has a freaking prayer line, right? Why pass up the chance to squeeze as much as possible from the believers? Create a prayer line, and when they call in offer them the newest DVD or promotional item that Jesus really wants them to have.

     This is rather interesting. This was the first time I ever heard a sermon on how God is the biggest failure in the Bible. I had to listen to it several times. You know what I realized? Copeland is right. The God presented in the Bible is definitely the greatest failure in the Bible. He is the one with the greatest amount of power, omnipotence, authority, and who consistently fucks things up for everyone, including His chosen people.

     Well, here we have actual proof that believers get drunk on the blood of Christ. I always wondered why so many people attended communion services. This show of entirely fabricated...shit, I don't even know what to call it...this is pathetic. Simply fucking pathetic. Do you feel sorry for the people getting rooked when they make the choice to believe this bullshit?

     Hubba-dubba-yabba-dabba? What the hell does he say at the beginning? He is supposed to be speaking in tongues. If he is speaking in tongues then the believing folks in the audience are listening with stupidity.

Kirk Cameron

Right Behind

     I titled this little snippet on Kirk Cameron "Right Behind" because apparently that is where this man has left his brains...right behind him.
     The representatives of Christianity, here one of them Kirk Cameron, just cannot seem to give a straight answer when it comes to questions of whether or not the key reason that people believe in God/Jesus is to be forgiven of their sins. I don't see how Cameron and his sidekick can weasel out of this. People believe in God/Jesus because they want to be forgiven of their sins (whatever they may be) and want to go to heaven instead of hell.
     Then we are right back at the first square, asking these glutes why people believe in the first place. It is a faith of avoidance. Believe so you do not have to go to hell. There is no other true reason to believe in Christianity. It must be acknowledged that there is a very bright line between someone simply believing in God just to believe, and the modern day Christian being someone believing to avoid hell and be forgiven of all of their so-called sins.
     A man who believes in God just to believe will not ever believe in a heaven or a hell, but simply that there is something great out there that he does not understand, something he has labeled 'God'. Many who believe in God from this approach do not even view God as some conscious personality that experiences emotions, but rather the vital energy, the common, universal animator we call life.This man feels no need whatsoever to encourage or threaten or harass others into believing the same as he does. Neither is such a man threatened by any other religious belief or practice or even the choice to NOT believe in a God at all.
     It must also be pointed out that the man I have described in the above paragraph is not threatened by different religions in the spiritual sense. He does not think there is a wrong way or a right way to believe in matters of a spiritual nature. This must not be confused with feeling threatened by violent faiths. That is something altogether different, for ANY faith that encourages any kind of violence or detrimental practice such as prejudices of race, age, creed, gender, yada yada plucka plucka, any such religion is not a healthy, valid faith.
     Here in this video Cameron and his pal are trying very hard to change the truth of the reality of the answer to the question posed to them. ANYONE who says that they believe in God/Jesus to be forgiven their sins and to go to heaven instead of hell is a hypocrite and more than likely does not even realize it. This is not faith.

     The argument that people need religion as a basis for morality is ludicrous. The questioner basically asks at the beginning how, if without God, a group or nation or people would know that subjugating other less powerful nations/countries was wrong? The questioner wants to know how will the strong know to protect the weak, how will they know that is the right thing to do if they do not have God/religion?
     This is a very easy question to answer. There is this really great thing called common goddamn sense. Then there is this equally excellent and amazing sense called humanity. When these two senses come together they run deeper and stronger than many, if not most Christians give credit for. Maybe some people need some big imaginary friend to tell them that it is wrong to lie, cheat, steal, kill, maim, murder, rape, subjugate, terrify...the list goes on and on. Some people have to be told these things are wrong to do. Some people do not.
     And I do not think knowing social rights and wrongs can be attributed to any kind of religious spiritual nurture/nature deal. There are plenty of people in this world who were raised in horrible conditions but as adults their fine character and personal ethic helped them to contribute positively to themselves, their family, their community, and humanity as a whole.
     Common sense and humanity are really the only way to improve anything beginning with the individual. This is because without common sense and humanity we cannot have compassion. Without compassion for ourselves and everyone around us, everyone on this entire planet, we lose a lot more than we gain, because without compassion (in the proper sense and according to each specific area of application) law and government and society as a whole is doomed to either suffer great strife or crumble altogether.
     And when I say compassion I do not mean letting people go free when they do bad and terrible things, when people hurt each other or worse. No. That is something called stupidity and nowhere near compassion, so don't even go there. It is compassion in the sense of understanding that when people are differently, speak differently, look differently, laugh differently, and so on and so forth, that we do not punish them for such. Instead, we appreciate the diversity. This is a good thing because in the process of recognizing differences we are not afraid that we will lose our own identities and practices in the process of learning about others.
     This is where many Christians get completely swallowed by the elitist theories and doctrines of their faith. They are told and consequently believe that without whatever it is THEY have, without that thing all others are powerless and slated for the worst of unhappiness in hell. In order to support such a dilapidated idea of faith those immersed in it create rules, laws, regulations, and processes that are not only based on such faith but that are intended to enforce that faith ON EVERYONE. All of that piles up at a junction where the defenders of whatever faith it is piss and moan and gripe and complain how so many people are breaking laws all over the place, and are therefore immoral and detrimental to society and all decent people. Bah!
     If the adherents to Christianity and any other violent and aggressive faith think that THEY are the decent people of society then THEY are bordering on the psychological territory of irreversible stupidity.

     Listen to the statistic stated at the beginning of this video that ten percent of the US population does not believe in God...with the actual number of atheists being around twenty million. This version of mathematics is interesting since the 2012 reported  population was a hair over 313 million. It would seem the old bag mentioning the statistic left out about ten million people.
     Moving on, part of this discussion centered around convincing atheists and non-believers in general as to the truth of the Bible and salvation. I think that this idea of 'convincing' others is somewhat contrary to what faith is supposed to be in the first place. Faith does not require convincing on any level. Not only that, but faith comes from within the individual who makes the decision to accept something lock, stock and barrel in the absence of ANY proof or coercion.
     Take note of how Cameron tries to prove God exists. It is the typical argument of you-don't-know-how-you-got-here-so-it-must-be-God.

     Holy shit this is too funny! The intentional misuse and abuse of information and philosophical arguments in an effort to prove Christianity is expected. The reasoning of Cameron and his pal is both riddled with error and delightfully entertaining. You know, it is kinda scary how many child actors from television series totally go off the deep end as they get older.

     This is so retarded. Cameron proceeds to make use of an example that is not applicable let alone possible. Jumping out of a plane at 25,000 feet up? He should have researched this analogy a little more so he could at least make the stated altitude a little more believable.

     Don't you just love how the guy asking the questions purposely misstates the theories within evolution? What makes it even better is the fact that he tries very hard to use the lack of knowledge as to how life formed on earth as a validating factor for Christianity. That right there is part of the stupidity of the approach of many believers who try to convert others. Non-believers cannot provide answers for where everything came from or provide proof for the non-existence of God, therefore the believers are correct.
     Well, the believers fail to recall that they don't know anything more than what the atheist/non-believer knows as to how everything came to be. Better yet, not one Christian has proof FOR the existence of God...and I do not mean hand-me-down religious beliefs either. I mean real, hard proof. First-hand proof. Proof that does not consist of the Bible or superstitious claims. Proof that is not God supposedly speaking THROUGH someone who says God told them to say something.
     Never ONCE has this mighty, all-inclusive, omnipotent God shown Himself. Not once. And I do not mean any prophet saying God said this or that or spoke in a dream or appeared as a fucking burning bush in the boondocks of the Middle East. The God of the Bible NEVER does anything for Himself because He always gets someone else to do it for him.
     In response to this a believer would counter with the comment that mega natural disasters and freaky weather patterns are caused by the supernatural powers of God and man does not have the mighty power to control the weather and the movements of the earth. This is just the continuation of a dreadfully stupid argument offered by Christianity since, not only is that claim NOT literal, actual proof of God, but they cannot provide any proof whatsoever that there was any just cause for believing that some God was screwing around with things in the first place.

     Here we have Cameron trying to sound deep and introspective as he purposely over-simplifies evolutionary theories. Cameron probably thinks that his knowledge of the Bible and Christian doctrines and practices make him an honorary, qualified geologist and a man of great spiritual intellect. He reminds me of the criminals who think they are cataclysmic-ally smarter than everyone else since, while in prison, they read every book on philosophy that they could find in the prison library. Then the criminals take every possible opportunity to impart their perceived wisdom upon others by regurgitating what they read and applying such to all the wrong situations and circumstances.

     More examples of Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum warping or altogether lying about their cited references and examples. It gets better, right? Cameron asserts that humans and apes are so similar to each other that there must be a common Creator.

     While I do find this video entertaining there is still a part of me that gets so goddamn pissed off. Fucking 'A' man. Don't these assholes know when to fucking quit? And they wonder why so many people have so many issues with Christianity and similar religions. These supposed faiths are loaded with lies, purposeful misrepresentation and conclusions that reside only in the land of aberrant reasoning.

     Man will believe anything so long as it is NOT in the Bible? Why would anyone want to believe anything from the Bible? Sure sure, God is love and all that happy shit, but have these idiots forgotten the horrible shit in the Bible? Rape, murder, adultery, child slavery, infanticide, patricide, you want me to go on?

     Hah! Listen to Cameron as he explains his grand plan for attacking the book "Origin of Species" and evolution as a whole. Good thing he is not in the military in a leadership position that requires sharp thinking in order to create winning, successful strategies. I can only imagine the horrible things that would happen.

     Cameron and fellow nitwit Bill O'reilly discuss gay marriage. Get your popcorn ready...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dayna Muldoon

Curse Me Kilts it's Another Lying Thief!

     It has been a while, a least since Tammy Faye Baker, that we have seen such a morbidly fascinating female preacher such as Dayna Muldoon. If I were Dayna Muldoon (which praise God I am not) I would get some acting lessons or something.
     Oh my dear sweet Jesus. This woman cannot sing for shit, or rap, or whatever it is she is trying to do. A miserable fail in its entirety. Her campy, made-up lyrics only make things worse. If it were not for the fact that she is a shyster preacher I would say for her not to quit her day job, cause she sure as hell can't make it in music.

     Listen to what this spiritual hooker is saying and how she is saying it. Her vocal inflections are completely lacking in anything remotely genuine. In some ways she sounds like an educated person trying desperately to sound like the poor broke people from the hood. What do you know, a spiritual version of Vanilla Ice.

     Where did pastor Dayna find this guy? Wherever she found him I think he is a stand in and the original guy chickened out. Look at the guys sleeves...they are rolled, and not just a little bit. And what the hell is she talking about some "band" being cut and broken? Is she referring to the stomach band put in to prevent eating too much?

     This woman's lack of melodious talent is deliciously hilarious! She needs to fire her song writer, or if she does not have one she should hire one because she herself is totally failing in her own efforts. Someone needs to tell her she is NOT Whitney Huston or the gospel singing Wynans. If her God heals she should request He heal her busted ass singing voice.

     This is SO amazing! I absolutely LOVE IT! This priestess of the False-High God is pushed from her high horse as another preacher exposes her in front of everyone. Watch her reaction as it is rather interesting. It really takes her several moments to really get the clue that her ass has been punked.

     This man is trying to ask the attendees of one of pastor Dayna's gathering what they think of her claims of healing and all that fun mumbo-jumbo. They seem fairly willing to answer and respond to his inquiries, but then some douche who is very likely working for Muldoon arrives on the scene and tries to break up the party. If Muldoon was so truthful and truly blessed by the powers of God, why didn't the staff let the questioning man in and prove to him they were not the charlatans they unfortunately appear to be?

Jack Van Impe

Adopted Son of Nostradamus

     This first video I have posted is really an example of the insanity plaguing Jack Van Impe and his wife (who by the way always sounds like she is totally loaded on valium or something). Jack's wife Rexella (doesn't that sound like a drug store name?) opens with spacey comments and then she deferrs to her husband who proceeds to offer a story of how these two crooks were in Los Angeles years ago, in a travel lodge, and Jack tells Rexella to sit in his lap so he can kiss her...and then an earthquake strikes. ?

     So, this pulpit charlatan is trying to convince people that in Christianity people love their neighbor as themselves. In Christianity people do not run around killing one another. Islam is not a religion of peace but Christianity is. I bet the victims of the Spanish Inquisition and of the Crusades, as well as the Natives in the Americas, the folks of the People's Temple, and the perished members of the Branch Davidians would beg to differ.

     Jack's wife is off her goddamn rocker. Her persistent spacey expressions and vocal inflections are a hindrance to Jack unless he counts people watching his show out of morbid curiosity a good thing. And for the love of Pete stop claiming that every time there is a natural disaster it is a sign that Jesus is on his way back. Fuck a duck, man. Floods happen. Earthquakes happen. If you question this please go and get a dictionary about the world's natural disasters. There are some real doozies in there, too.

     Restore America to biblical Christianity? Why? Have you read the Bible? Have you read all the horrible things in the Bible that people did in the name of God? Have you read all the horrible things that GOD instructed people to do?

     Don't you just love how the differing factions within institutionalized religion consistently bicker and fight? These groups scramble and stumble over each other, pointing their fingers saying this guy is wrong or that guy is wrong, all in an effort to wrestle the minds and monies of the followers away from each other.

     Ahh, another example of the utter disconnection of Rexella Van Impe with the rest of the real world.

     Jack says that what he is saying here in this video is proof that the Lord Jesus is coming back soon! Of course, if you look at the date of the video posting and then think of today's date...well, you gotta wonder about the differences between man's understanding of 'soon' and Jesus' understanding of 'soon' in relation to when the absent Son of God is due to return.

Creflo Dollar

Just Another Snake in the Grass of Religion

     Listen to the message this dunce is delivering because if you are not careful you just might miss it: Don't let reason happen to you. This is the basic message Creflo is delivering in this video. He is telling people to not allow their power of reasoning to get in the way of what God is telling them to do...especially when God is telling them to put money into the hands of Creflo Dollar.

     Is this asshole for real? He is seriously blaming problems that people have on not tithing? You have got to be fucking kidding me. This douchebag says that if you do not tithe that you will be just as broke as the Ten Commandments that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai.

     That's right, Creflo. I should not worry about doing what I need to do to take care of my family because the wicked spirit of mammon is preventing me from giving money to you, and if I want to save myself and let God fix my money troubles I should give you my grocery money. This is so goddamn stupid.
     Come to think of it this could be used as a fine example that God does not exist. How so? Well, do you think if there really was a hell and if there really was a God that preachers really and truly believed in and feared and trusted that these same preachers would be saying and doing half the shit they do? Hell no! They know all too well that IF there were such a thing as hell (which there is not) they would be first in line.

     Wow. This guy takes every opportunity to make a plug for tithing his church. Isn't it wonderful how Creflo stretches and warps the words of those who press Creflo for answers to simple questions? The little pulpit worm is a spiritual bully that plays on the weaknesses of the desperate in order to fulfill his own desire for wealth. Total loser.
     Then, in order to get more people to tithe this bastard comes up with an idea to single out those who do not tithe, line them up, and shoot them. He says he would try it if he could but later tries to schmooze his comments over as

     Listen to Douchebag Dollar's answer. He says the senator's letter was nice and he would soon as the senator has legal documentation. Dollar also wants the tax privacy kept in tact and so does not want the senator to see the information and suggests that the info be given to the IRS that is bound to approach the issue within specific guidelines. He talks circles around each and every question. His responses to the questions having to do with his wealth are evasive as he often says that he does not own some of the items he is questioned the jet. He says he follows the IRS regulations and is more than happy to prove it...once he has been legally ordered to do so.

     Crook? This poor excuse of a man is calling people who do not tithe crooks? This freak of religious nature spouts this kind of stupidity and people STILL believe him and seek his council?

     Watch this whole video so you do not miss the footage of this guy's absolutely loaded lifestyle. I wonder if there are any families in his congregation that need help paying their bills, need food, need better housing and better clothing, or even need help with paying a doctor to tend to medical issues? Dollar hops about and happily claims God has simply been GOOD to him. Isn't that nice?
     I can't imagine the confusion of someone in his congregation, someone who desperately needs help, watching Dollar as God repeatedly blesses the smarmy pastor with more and more money and possessions while the congregation member receives no help? How must that person feel? Is it their fault for not having enough faith? Has God forgotten them? Is it simply a case of the pastor is more important than a lowly congregation member who does not have a dime to his name much less a single dollar to tithe?

     Listen to how this stupid fucker twists the words of the Bible as to what gleans a harvest of whatever it is the person is asking God for. He flat out says that prayer does not bring harvest. Only money can bring the harvest, and until a person gives money God will not give them harvest. WTF, man. WTF. Only a true douchebag would try to convince people that until they gave money God was not permitted to bless them with harvest.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Peter Popoff

This Guy is a Real Hoot

     Here in this video James Randi helps to expose one of the greasier faith healers of our time, one Peter Popoff. Popoff is a charlatan through and through and should absolutely be ashamed  of everything that he has done to take advantage of those poor lambs who are far too trusting of other people claiming to speak on behalf of God or who are supposed to be imbued with God's power.

     This guy couldn't cure a bonk on the noggin with a band-aid and an ice pack.

     Now when I watched this I had to wonder how this worm came back to do what it is he does...which is basically bilking those too ignorant to know he is a sham. Aren't there people who regulate this stuff? Do they NOT regulate this stuff because they figure people make their own decisions when it comes to religion and so this charlatan thief should be left alone?
     Why do people insist on sending this guy money?

     This is interesting. I am still having trouble trying to figure out why these folks send this douche their money, especially when they really do not have the money to be giving to the preaching thief to begin with. One of the guys on this video does ask a very good question which was how do people get preachers like Popoff from returning to their charlatan ways once they are discovered  and revealed for who and what they are? Popoff was out 20 years ago, so why oh why is he back doing the very same thing again?

     Listen to the bit in this video where Popoff says that a Russian pastor found the miracle water and now Popoff wants to get some of it to you.

     This is an excellent video to watch and not just because of the music at the beginning. Peter Popoff is a rip off and the maker of this video calls Popoff on it.

      The gentleman who made this video discusses an effort to remove Peter Popoff from television networks in an attempt to get the thieving slug off of the religious tele and infomercials in order to shut the loser down.    

     This is a very good video about some of the ways that Peter Popoff makes use of in an effort to get people to give him money. Portions of letters that are mailed to people by Popoff ministries are shown.

     This is utterly hilarious! How can people believe this shit? His 'faith tool' is an envelope which people are supposed to use to send him money. Then there is the supposedly miraculous spring water. Maybe there is someone out there in the world who will get some of this ridiculous water and test it...just to see how this so-called miracle water will look under a microscope as opposed to regular water.

Fred Phelps

When Religion Becomes Pathological

     If you have not heard of the infamous Reverend Fred Phelps you very likely live under a religious rock. Considering the absolutely ugly nature of this man, someone who is supposed to be a man of God, you will find it very difficult indeed to refer to him as a reverend.
     This group is a hate group, plain and simple. There is ZERO message of love within this group. I can only imagine the severe psychological ramifications of raising a child within this horrible gathering of people who do not in any way seem to worship God or Jesus, but rather worship hate and violence.

     This is the first of seven videos that shed light on the dark rhetoric and behavior of a religious group that is entirely steeped in hate, violence, and disgusting treatment of anything or anyone different from them or their ugly and deluded interpretation of the Bible.
     I only included the link to the first video. If you wish to watch the other six videos you will see them pop up on the right of the youtube screen when you watch the first video.

     This is an interview given by one of the sons of Fred Phelps. I find his story very interesting. I respect that as 'out there' and aggressive and violent as his father Fred has been, this man, his son, did not villify Fred Phelps and did not go off on tangents of what some of the repercussions of the group's aberrant behavior has been on the people and communities affected by such violenct faith. He simply talks about some of the things he went through and the effects such things had on him.

     This is hilarious. Fred Phelps says that Anderson Cooper is an evangelist for Satan and that Cooper is an all-out servant of the devil. Fred Phelps is so far out there he is in realms of outer space that up to this point have not yet been discovered. 

     This was too funny to not put in the blog, so I did.

     What the fuck is this old codger babbling about? Divine appointment? Sparrows and farthings and no sparrow falling to the ground? Say what? This is an incoherent tangle of verses and random statements.

     Oh dear lord...listen to the bullshit this woman is spouting. Legislative Taliban in Iowa? 

     Wow. God sent a hurricane to damage the United States because people spoke out against the prejudiced fundamentalists of the Westboro Baptist Church? Listen to what this nut says about 9/11 victims, our soldiers that die in present conflicts, and even the unbelievable rant he gives on the President of the United States. This man is a true tragedy.

     Oh look! Here we have the spawn of Satan...I mean the spawn of Fred Phelps. Just as nutty ho-ho as his pappy. How terribly sad.

     Here we have the Crypt Keeper trying out for the lead role of Reverend Fred Phelps in the upcoming movie called "Should Have Given Him a Higher Dose of Lithium." 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hell is a REAL Place...

So Believe in Jesus OR ELSE!!!

     Watch this entire video. It is totally hilarious! At one point the guy says that Satan is SO smart with how he persuades people and youth to fall away from God. What is it with preaches acquiring a raspy, Southern Baptist-style sound to their voice whenever they are preaching about hell? How does this guy know who is in hell and who is not in hell? Has he been there? Nope. Does he have pictures of it? Nope. What does this man think that there is a hell? Because the Bible says so.
     Hey guy, want to know what hell really is? Hell is people like you persecuting others who do not wish to believe and practice and live in the same manner as you. Hell is you trying to tell me who I may and may not love according to your Bible and your God. And dude, you totally need to bring it down a notch or you will give yourself a heart attack.

     Geeze. The things people believe in and the things people try their damnedest to hold over others. What have we done to ourselves? Have we come this far in existence to try to kill each other off because this group's invisible God is supposed to be better than the other group's invisible friend? Is that what love and redemption are? How in the fuck did this message of eternal love morph into something that people beat and destroy each other with?

     There is no such place as hell, unless you want to count Fort Bliss, Texas. I have been there and it really isn't that bad...okay, well...except for that time it was 115 degrees and the colonel insisted we practice in the desert boondocks. That was definitely hell.
     You know what is interesting is the number of preachers who attack other preachers because they feel the preachers do not preach enough of God's wrath. Shee-it. I think mankind has had enough of God's supposed wrath. Old news, buddy. 

     You know, I think it is truly funny how so many Christians are so very afraid of hell and all of the bad things in the world that Satan is supposed to be tempting people with in order to keep them away from God. What a crock. And why are these people so afraid, why?
     I have come across so many Christians who are riddled with fear of the supposed plots of the devil that are lurking around every corner. If you have this supposed love of God and power...why are you so very afraid of the world and all of the supposed bad things in it? Do you not have a will? Can you not choose good things instead of bad things?
     What better way to convert people than to convince them that their soul is hanging by a thread.


     Of course hell is necessary. Do you know why? Because if the deluded faiths squeezed from the sponge of Bible based religions did not have hell then that in and of itself would disprove all of the bullshit they spew about hell. Hell is a must for Bible based religions as they cannot exist without it.

     If God sends people to hell then He really ought to go back into the Bible and reassess the description of what love is and what God is in relation to that love. God sending people to hell is not compatible with God being love and love conquering all. In fact, since love conquers all it would also conquer hell, right? You do see where I am going with this, right?

     Well, what do we have here? Religious groups fighting over what the description and purpose of hell is? Are you at all surprised? So I suppose it just is not good enough for one's God to be better than the other's God, because they need to have one understanding of hell better than the other as well.

     This video is totally awesome! You've got to love how they open up with the music from those Michael Meyers movies with Jamie Lee Curtis.

     This guy sounds like someone needs to go and get his nitro pills quick because he is about to have a heart attack. When these folks preach about hell is it possible to speak in normal tones? Do you think that is possible? I do not agree with your version of what hell is. I think hell, at least A version of hell these days, is people and groups like you trying to make laws that dictate how I may and may not live according to some scripture or Bible.
     I will accept the law as it is, but I will never accept law formulated from any religious cause. Law that is formed from religion invariable ends up being compassion-less and unethical. And I am referring to compassion in law as expressed by the punishment befitting the crime. Law without compassion is tragedy and an abuse of the structure of society.

     Why in the hell are you referring to yourself as not being afraid? You are disguising your pursuit of converts  with an act of courage...which it is not. I will give you an example of courage and not being afraid but within the confines of religion as you so present: As many threats as the religious community throws at non-believers and those who would have nothing to do with the ludicrousness of the Bible many of these folks are not afraid to stand up and tell you they do not want to hear your shit.
     You stand there preaching hell-fire and damnation, threatening eternal punishment for not choosing what God and Jesus supposedly wants people to choose, trying desperately to SCARE people into signing over to your bipolar deity. Sometimes your campaign of fear works, usually with people who are truly frightened by your assertions of hell and immeasurable pain.
     Then there are the people who refuse to be bullied by such absurd control mechanisms. These people are not afraid to stand up and defend themselves and their rights from being curbed and pruned down to nothing more than sentimental writing on paper.

     Hell is necessary? Well, I suppose so. Hell serves as a great deterrent for many, those who don't want religion but who choose such, for the irrational fear in regards to their soul demands that they believe anyways.

     Preachers all over the world speak ad nauseum on the idea that even though the story of salvation and Jesus dying on the cross sound insane, surely some of such information contains actual truth and proof. Don't you want to spend eternity worshiping a deity non-stop, the very same deity that for thousands of years purposely allowed his own so-called chosen people to suffer calamity after calamity after calamity.

     God doesn't know people who aren't saved? Isn't He supposed to be omnipotent? That being the case wouldn't He know everyone no matter what they choose to believe? And another thing, since God is supposed to be omnipotent and know everything, well, that would make God a liar when He says He does not know someone.

     What is interesting is this gentleman's assertion that hell is not predestined. When I was a kid we more or less learned the opposite. Back then I was taught that all people are born into sin and (with the exception of babies and young children) everyone is slated for hell until they choose Jesus.

     The diagram of the location of hell in this video is priceless.

     So much for solidarity between the various faiths.

     Nothing like giving a sermon on hell. That type of sermon seems to be far more popular when trying to convert victims (non-believers) as opposed to preaching about love and the perfection of love.

     No. I am not going to heaven because there is no such place.