What is Wrong with this Man?
Beck says that this nation has become an affront to God. Don't you believe it. This nation has its issues as does every nation, but what contributes to our nation's perceived greatness is our collective ability to push through our problems and apply solutions. We certainly DO NOT get it right all the time and sometimes the things we have done as a nation (to include the way we treat one another at times) are deplorable.
However, contrary to what Mr. Beck has to say here our nation is not falling apart. He would like you to think so as the last vestiges of a talon's-grip upon the interpretation of rights in this country (and for all of its citizens) by many within Christianity are categorically debunked and tossed into the garbage...where they belong.
Glenn, it does not matter what letters and founding documents you have studied over the years. Why? Because information and understanding and knowledge mean absolutely DICK if you persistently misinterpret such information. As far as your absurdly beseeching rhetoric for Americans to fall on their knees in prayer, fat-fucking-chance.
And you know what? If you and all the people who think like you took half of the time that you spend preaching political doomsday crapola and instead used it for something positive instead of destructive, I bet there are a lot of things that would absolutely be in far better condition as opposed to how such things are now.
No, Mr. Beck, America is NOT one nation under God. You might want it to be and you might even need it to be considering half of the crazy shit you say. But, much like the belief of a flat world did absolutely jack shit to retract from the roundness of the planet, your incorrect beliefs and assertions do not change the fact this nation was most certainly NOT founded on the Bible and Christianity.
Hah! This shithead thinks education is not a right. Asshole. I am pretty sure 'education' would fall under life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And our rights do not come from your idiotic, sadistic, maniacal, twisted, and delusional Deity of that thing you call a HOLY Bible. Your God is a delusional son of a bitch who does not deserve one drop of the worship and fear He so desperately craves.
What the fuck is wrong with some people?
Glenn, Glenn, Glenn. People are beginning to change their faith and it has zilch to do with any 'outdated' concepts. People are gradually changing their faith because as time goes by they are becoming more and more aware of the fucked-up nature of what they believe and the fucked-up nature of the book such beliefs are founded on.
Does Glenn Beck ever check up on the truth or falsity of the crap he claims?
This just in...Glenn Beck is a moron. And he proves it.
Glenn, you asshole. Jesus did not have any say whatsoever as to whether or not He would be crucified, He had no friggin choice and this is for several reasons. Firstly, according to the Old Testament prophets He was going to be crucified no matter what. You certainly cannot have proof of God's words failing to come true by allowing Jesus to escape crucifixion.
Secondly, God Himself said He sent His Son specifically for the purpose of being crucified. Everybody has to do what God says, even Jesus. Lastly, if Jesus is in fact a pure expression of God as a member of the Trinity (this would mean Jesus is ALSO God) He cannot contradict Himself by failing to do what He promised as such would be self-defeating.
You know, maybe we need idiots like Glenn Beck so we can remind ourselves from time to time of how NOT to behave and treat people.
Haahhhaaaa!!! This is so funny!
Glenn Beck is a true enigma of stupidity.
This is shameful, Mr. Beck. Shameful. You did this on purpose. Did you even think about these words before they left your mouth? You sir, are a complete fuck-tard.
WTF?!!!! I am glad I do not believe what you believe, Mr. Beck. Your fervent belief is not synonymous with truth and justice and wisdom. What people like me find confusing is the fact people actually believe all the shit you say you believe. Your belief is prejudicial, stereotypical, hateful, and wrong. Fuck you.
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