Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bryan Fischer: Out of Control

This Guy has More Issues than Time and Newsweek

This guy is a real douchebag. So, his plan to removing sexual assaults in the military is to remove women from the military. Hummm. So, it isn't about controlling the behavior of the people doing the assault, but rather is about removing the women? Then he says something about men on men rape in the military is committed 90% of the time by serial homosexual rapists. This guy is completely and totally misquoting the article he is claiming to be quoting from. He takes the words that he likes from the article and then adds words of his own. Doesn't he know that God doesn't like lying?

No, Mr. Fischer, God did not create men and women with specific life duties as you so seem to think. I am sure you THINK God says that every time you dig into your little book of delusions and pick out whatever you think backs up your FUBAR claims. And if a man has a problem with a woman working and contributing to the family finances then just maybe that chauvinist SOB shouldn't be getting married. Your view of women is all FUCKED UP.

This guy is retarded. Seriously. Bryan Fischer wouldn't be saying what he is saying about any religion other than his own, right? Would he complain about, say, all mention of religion having to do with magic or Wicca or nature-based religions being mentioned? Of course not. He is trying to make himself look like a champion for religion when he is not. He is only a champion for HIS own religion and HIS own beliefs based on that religion. Stupid. So goddamn stupid.

Haahaa!!! Fischer asserts that Mormons support gays because they think that if they do they will eventually be able to restore the Mormon practice of bigamy. Hah! Oh, and as is his consistent fashion when taking to the airwaves, Mr. Fischer leaves out pertinent information.

This is just insanity. God gave man weapons? God gave man weapons to protect the children? If God is so protecting, you asshole, He sure as you-know-what wouldn't need guns (or any weapon for that matter) in order to protect anything. Your God is supposed to be all-powerful and able to do everything all at once and all the time. If He was so goddamn protective the children would not be hurt...period.

Ahhh, don't you just love it when a right wing conservative takes the Founding Fathers and the founding documents that they created OUT of context? And I'll tell you what, Fischer, I sure as f*ck DON'T want my rights in the hands of someone like you. Your God did not give rights to anyone or anything. Do you know why this is so? Because He does not exist. 

This asshole is calling the Americans in the South pansies. Oh HELL no. HELL NO! What the heck is he talking about when he says, "...these people will not fight back?" What the hell does he think they were doing in the Civil War, going on an extended picnic? I would think he would also be aware of the members of our military who are from the South and the many wars that citizens from the South in the United States have fought in. Shee-it, one of my grandfathers is from Alabama and HE fought in Korea, so don't EVEN insinuate that my tough-as-nails, courageous grandfather is a pansy, you fucking nut-job.

Haahaaha!!! What makes you think that EVERYONE who is steeped in YOUR particular religion is physically healthy? And you DO realize that the statistic you are referring to is not solely representative of Christianity, right? You DO understand that they were in fact including Eastern traditions and faiths involving meditation and other practices not embraced by Christianity, right? Ahh, yet another example of Mr. Fischer purposely misquoting information in an effort to get his particular faith to look stellar. Good luck with that.

Yes, we are familiar with the wording of the Constitution. We are ALSO familiar with YOUR interpretation of the Constitution. Take it out of context all you want, douchebag. Claim all you want that the founders of this country intended for your particular faith to run this country and the lives of those who live within this country. Your claims were never true, are not now true, and will never be true.

Bryan, Bryan, Bryan...you are confusing the dictator-theocracy statements of the God in your Bible with our three branches of government. Notice that our three branches of government are separate from each other. Do you know why this was done? It sure as pickle-dicks had nothing to do with the Bible and everything to do with ensuring that a system of checks and balances would help maintain government in the long-run, and that one person or group within government would not end up with all of the power. You didn't pay attention in your government classes, did you?

Yeah, that is exactly right, Mr. Fischer, where WAS God when the shootings went down? WHERE WAS HE? Did all of the little children and teachers who were killed not believe in God, is that it? Is that why He allowed them to be killed? If that IS NOT the case, and I wager it is not, why did God allow little children and adults who believed in Him to be victims of a horrible crime? Hummm? Why didn't God just punish the particular people who do not believe in Him instead of making others suffer? And what about the families who lost their children or wives or husbands or people they loved? What did they do wrong to call for such horrendous judgment? If your God is that pissed off from people not actively filling His constant call for attention and worship His reaction is a clear indicator He is not worthy of ANY of the attention that is given.

Bryan Fischer is a real gem of a human being. Somehow he thinks and believes that allowing people rights when such rights are not in line with what the Bible has to say impinges on his right to religious freedom. Idiot. He may think so but his faith and his religious book have ZERO right or legal freedom to dictate who should and should not have rights and what those rights should be. Your out-of-this-world, insane argument is an excellent example of why separation of church and state is so important to the continuation of this democracy, this here United States of America.

The apostle Paul was a classic ego-chauvinist. You seem to forget that. As to your claim that Jesus did not have female disciples, that is incorrect. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna were disciples of Jesus and even supported Him out of their own efforts. You may find this in the eighth chapter of the Gospel of Luke. By the way you should probably take a look at Galatians 3:28 which says, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, NOR IS THERE MALE AND FEMALE, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

So, your God is SO incredibly powerful that instead of telling people directly what they are doing is wrong, God decides to play a game of Here-is-a-Natural-Disaster-Now-Guess-Why-I-Am-Angry-with-You? You would think that God in His infinite wisdom would see the idiocy of behaving in such an obtuse manner and just be upfront and fair and reasonable. And if God is omniscient, and according to your Bible He is omniscient, He would already know that people will screw up His edicts and would therefore take measures to prevent such things from happening.

Bryan, you and people who think and believe like you do are the furthest distance possible from being even remotely compared and likened unto Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks did not do what she did in an effort to be exclusionary of ANY group. Her approach was IN-clusional in purpose and in action and in definition. You really have zero grounds on which to compare yourself to a person of the character caliber of Rosa Parks.

Listen Fischer, the President was showing RESTRAINT and you are confusing that response with behaving cowardly. Restraint is a crucial necessity of President Obama, because if our country's leader reacted to serious situations in the manner in which you would we would all be fucked, and when I say "we" I am referring to the whole of humanity.

Hah! Fischer, you are taking straight from the playbook of the Holy Roman Empire in its heyday. 

Listen here you fuck-tard, there have been many women to serve this country in the capacity of a soldier. I encourage you to look up Molly Pitcher (whose real name is thought to be Mary McCauley), Mary Marshall and Mary Allen in the War of 1812, Dr. Mary Walker in the Civil War, 150,000 WACs in WWII...the list goes on and on. Your assertions that women lack military capabilities are testament to your chauvinism.

Where in the world do you get the notion that being homosexual shortens a person's life? Wow. You seem to be suffering from a serious case of SAS, also known as Stupid Asshole Syndrome.

The freaks come out at night...including Bryan Fischer.

The real haters are the homosexuals? WTF? And remember this is coming from a guy who says that children who have homosexual parents should be kidnapped. If that isn't hateful I don't know what is.

Hah!! Listen to what these shit-for-brains fundamentalists have to say about environmentalism. These guys completely and totally and purposefully misrepresent the purpose and ideology of environmentalism.

Rrriiiiigghhhhhttt. You are just twisting all kinds of facts here. You have no shame. Pity. Oh, your references to the Revolutionary War are incorrect. Pick up a goddamn history book. Oh wait...that's right! People like you will only read history accounts that support your ridiculous and delusional claims.

I don't give a shit what the apostle Paul said, but I do wish to point out that Jesus said to come as you are. I am pretty sure Jesus outranks Paul.

Monday, June 17, 2013

What is Wrong with these People?

Sometimes You Know They are a Nut

Powers of darkness are over the nations? Powers of darkness are being dethroned? What the hell is this lady talking about? Darkness being pierced and the heavens being ripped? Lady...get off of the decaf...seriously. The darkness of humanism and atheism? What?

So this charlatan picked up a lady's foot that had been severed by being run over by a car and restored it?

Wow! Some people are so freaking far out there that you just have to listen to them out of pure morbid curiosity. This guy goes from lamb and pussy cat to weirdo in about minus three seconds. NICE. Animals can be demon possessed too, huh? That might explain these two little crazy orange kitties we had when we were kids. I swear those cats WERE possessed.

HHHaaahAAHAA!!!! Oh Jesus, this is good stuff!

Holy shit! Listen to what this guy says about the new flag for the Obama campaign. What is he talking about streaks of blood and a Satanic rendering of the American flag? The Illuminati and the All-Seeing Eye? 666? Dude, you are drinking Draino and living under power lines. 

Oh suuuuurrrreeeee. Someone's child dies and you JUST NOW raised them from the dead. And of course you saw something like that happen in Pakistan and not the United States, right? Because if something like that really and truly happened here that would be ALL OVER the news and you would have converts galore. But NO. You don't, do ya? Because you are freaking fake.

So, are these people just bored and have nothing better to do than get themselves worked up into thinking they are experiencing some divine revelation or expression of divine power? What the hell?

This woman has so many screws loose I am surprised she is still walking around in one piece. And NO. Your Creator does NOT have any right whatsoever to run this government or anything even remotely related to it. And while much of our laws DO come from English common law that had NOTHING to do with the goddamn Bible, so shut your lying trap.

Haahaaaha!!! This is hilariously stupid. Oh, geeze! Because of President Clinton kids started having oral sex parties? You are seriously twisted.

What in the world is going on in this video here? Indigestion? Delusion? Spiritual poisoning? All of the above? Is he trying to talk or trying to have a bowel movement?

Oh yes. Yes. Eventually I will have a lovely blog on our psychopathic pal Bryan Fischer. This guy is too good to pass up doing a blog on. He is like an especially delusional version of Rush Limbaugh...only he is about a hundred and fifty pounds lighter.

Oh look, you can watch the possession of children by religion as it actually happens. So sad.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cindy Jacobs

A Higher Level of Lies and Craziness

Okay, so this lady hangs out with a gang called "The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders" which actually sounds about as credible as the "Legion of Doom."

Ahhh, here we have the amazing Ms. Jacobs revealing that if you are of Native American heritage that you should probably repent and renounce the evil things she is talking about. Hah! Where is she getting her information? I can tell you that there is wonderful and beautiful diversity among the Native Americans in every facet of their heritage. To so carelessly lump them into one group is pure stupidity and indicative of the amazing depth of idiocy of what people like Ms. Jacobs believe.

This psycho woman is trying to say that the repeal of DADT resulted in a bunch of black birds dying. Now I ask you, Ms. Jacobs, what kind of a twisted fuck is it that you worship who would kill off nature in mass numbers...animals who have zero clue about the politics of man...as a warning or threat to man of what might happen if he doesn't shape up and do what God wants?

First of all, you dumb asses are taking what the article said WAY out of context. Second of all, sin has absolutely DICK to do with the friggin' weather. Lastly, you stupid people sit there and spout off that Christians are not affected by such things and that they can even control the weather...uhmmm...are you NOT aware of the weather patterns that hit the Midwest every freaking year? You DO know these areas are filled with largely Bible-believing populations, right? That weather has zero to do with religion or what anyone believes and everything to do with the function of this planet. Ninnies.

So...the LORD is going to begin peeling off the layers of deceptive people on this planet? Thank GOD! You know what that means, right? All the freaking preachers go first.

Ohhh, so your food magically multiplied when your kids brought friends over. Lady, the only things that multiply with you are your lies. And you know what else? If your shoes lasted longer than usual it had nothing to do with God, you idiot, and everything to do with you simply taking care of your goddamn shoes.

You fed three thousand people from a few loaves of bread. You...are SO...FULL OF SHIT you should be ashamed of yourself. But, I know such is far too much to ask of you. Too bad there is not really a hell because if there was you, Cindy Jacobs, would definitely be going there. You are a bad person.

This woman is freaking psychotic. She says she cured insanity through her prayer and binding of evil heebie-jeebies making some lady insane. If that is the case I strongly suggest Ms. Jacobs pray over herself.

This stupid bitch has no shame whatsoever.


Friday, June 14, 2013

God: Charlatan and Abuser of Faith and Love

Well, I'll be!! God does the atheists and all other non-believers a favor by disproving...Himself.

     I subscribe to several Christian blogs in an effort to better understand the half baked ideologies of any faith founded on the Bible. One of the messages that was sent to me contained a link that tried to assert/prove that while love conquers all...love also hates. I clicked on the article and read the entire thing, and then read it again. Here is the link to the article: 

     The article is truly appalling as it shamelessly presents the idea that love and God both hate. The way this article tried to validate the emotion of hate as a sign of love is truly indifferent to the reality of love.
"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."
-Peter Ustinov-

     The manner in which the author tries to validate her claim is perverse and offensive to everything that comprises what love is. In short, the author points out a verse in the Bible that says God is love, but then completely turns around and says that since God hates, then out of necessity love also hates.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
-Lao Tzu-

Quoting the verse Psalms 11:5 which says, "The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, He hates with a passion," the author seemingly neglects the many Bible verses that proclaim God as love. Following that is the neglect to recall that love is supposed to be all-powerful, THE most powerful force in the universe since God is, after all, love. And isn't God enduring? And isn't love patient and kind and everlasting and faithful and persevering and unlimited, and so on and so forth?
"It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death."
-Thomas Mann-

Nothing can ever degrade, damage, harm, hurt, modify, mutate, stunt, defy, insult, or even diminish love. Love is THAT powerful. Love is supposed to be THE superseding force EVER. So, considering that I want to know how the author of this article came to the screwy conclusion that love hates. I don't want to hear any bullshit about the semantics of some twisted verse out of the Bible either. Give me a reason based validation.
"A fool in love makes no sense to me. I only think you are a fool if you do not love."

The idea that love would falter or change in its position or change its core character of solid and pure forgiveness is nothing short of stupidity. Even better is the fact that this claim disproves God. Hah! God is love and love is God. God is eternal and so love is eternal. There are no limits on God. There are no limits on love. Listen closely all ye of twisted faith. Hate is a LIMITING factor that cannot even touch love with a ten foot pole. You can't say God is love and love is God and that both are eternal...and then turn right back around and claim hatred. What is wrong with you? When you do that you are admitting God does not exist. If love does not exist God does not exist. If hate is manifest (in deed or thought or action) then clearly love does not exist. You cannot have it both ways. God either is or is not everlasting love. There are no timeouts. There are no vacations. There are no variations.
"If you would be loved, love and be lovable."
-Benjamin Franklin-

Another part in this article tries to offer as evidence Old Testament verses that note God hates things such as robbery and wrongdoing, yada yada, plucka plucka. But this is also a stupid approach because God sure as hell did a lot of robbing and wrongdoing in the Old Testament. What did the children of Israel do as they left Egypt after the ten plagues? Why, God instructed them and allowed them to plunder the Egyptians. What they took from the Egyptians did not belong to the Israelites...but remember GOD allowed them to do this so it must be okay, right? 

What about the so-called promised land of God's chosen people? Those lands already had people on them but God took it and 'gave' it to His people. And what about what God did to Job? The list goes on and on and on with example after example of this infallible God of love acting in a very hateful manner just to get His way or to get revenge. So, you do see where I am going with this, correct? God hates wrongdoing. Robbery and murder and all such things are wrong deeds to do. God has committed robbery and murder. God must then hate Himself.
"A loving heart is the truest wisdom."
-Charles Dickens-

I read the quote below and was struck with the reality and fierceness of hate within religion. Christianity is the hypocrite of hypocrites. There is no message of love to be found in this demented God and His abused Son. This can be easily proven just by considering the vile behaviors of some people professing to be Christian. Actually, like the person who wrote the article I am bitching about here. Looking for a loophole, a reason, anything that will serve the purposes of religion.
"We never know we are beings till we love. And then it is we know the powers and potentiality of human existence."
-Jean Toomer-

What is interesting is that with the absolute terrible character and behavior in the Bible on the part of God, Christians are in a way forced to make up some bullshit exception that will allow hate into the shepherd's flock. Why? Because the stupid bastards must explain away the cruelty, malevolence, crookedness, evilness, and hideousness of God's character, they HAVE to make an excuse for God.
"Whoso loves believes the impossible."
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning-

Christianity is well known for its repeated assertions that God and the Bible and Jesus all say that there is no hope for mankind, that man is only good for fighting and killing, that the only cure for man is to initiate global disasters, heinous crimes against humanity, and a mega war that will eventually culminate with Jesus bursting into the picture riding on a white horse with an insanely large army of angels all set to destroy absolutely everything. And that is how you know that God does not exist. 

God is supposed to have known everything even BEFORE He supposedly created everything. That being the case He would have known how this grand plan of His would end and out of love for man would do something about it. Out of sheer necessity God would have been required to behave and act and command lovingly. He completely FAILS to reconcile love with mankind, instead opting for untold violence and destruction. Such actions are devoid of love. If there is a void due to a lack of love...there is even a bigger void than that since God doesn't exist. And you DO realize that love CAN exist without God (and it DOES) but God CANNOT exist outside of love, right?
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence."
-Erich Fromm-

Thursday, June 13, 2013

John Benefiel

Is This Guy For Real?

Sooooo...this voon-der-bar man of God wants you to believe that the Statue of Liberty is symbolic of a demon (or is it demoness) and NOT symbolic of LIBERTY. Uhmmm...somehow I get the feeling there is a huge percentage of the 300 million plus population of the United States that would heartily disagree. I am one of them. For me, that Statue of Liberty in the harbor in New York is symbolic of something amazing and special and cherished in this nation...LIBERTY...and has absolutely dick to do with anykind of demonology. But if Mr. Benefiel wishes to voice his opinion of what it stands for that is his LIBERTY. He really should remember that. I am one of the many who have fought for and maintained that liberty. Don't crap on that, Mr. Benefiel. Don't you dare. This country has far more to do with LIBERTY than your God.

Okayyyy...you are not against homosexuals BUT you are against homosexuality. You DO see the problem with that statement, right? And what the hell are you talking about homosexuality being a great way to control the population? Homosexuality is a plot by the Illuminati to control the population and get rid of folks like you? Say WHAT?

Oh my dear Lord! This is hilariously wonderful!! Buddy...what the hell are you smoking? TELL ME!! I want to be sure to AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS!

You and a group of fellow nut-jobs went to the Lincoln Memorial to issue a Baal Divorce Decree? Haahahahhaaa!!! Sure. And Margret Thatcher went to Parliament to issue a Decree Repealing the United States Declaration of Independence. Then...in an act of magic (and it should be defined as such considering the lunacy of your claim) an earthquake was a signal of an answer to your problems? You are a psychopath, Mr. Benefiel. Whatever, man. Whatever. You are obviously lost deep...DEEP in your special world of religion. You and your mentally suffering sheep enjoy your delusions by yourselves.

So, you are saying that under certain circumstances a demon named Baal may have a LEGAL RIGHT to operate in someone's life? Hah!! Your delusions just keep stacking higher and higher. Come ON! Do you  know how goddamn stupid and ridiculous you sound? Oh, that is right...you don't care because you are doing GOD'S work. Whatever. Once again, whatever. Don't lose that confidence because you will need it to carry you through your life as you wait for the demented predictions of your faith and your Bible to actually happen. Oh, and they won't. I think you are looney, but I don't want you caught unawares.

The Native Americans and their revival is key to your God doing what? Where the hell are you getting this information? Who is magically interpreting these decrees to you? What is wrong with you? I grew up totally steeped in Christianity and never once did we ever learn anything having anything to do with Christianity and the Native Americans with the exception of the ridiculous belief in MANIFEST DESTINY which by the way allowed for the decimation of Native lands and people and culture. I am Native American and I can tell you FOR SURE that I want absolutely NOTHING to do with your God or you or your Bible. Stuff it.

What is it with this seriously stupid idea that in order to have real, true forgiveness...something must die. Not only that...but whatever dies...there must be a smattering of the blood. Oh, and it must be the blood of the innocent. Yep. That is how all of humanity is saved from all the wickedness in the universe...KILL SOMETHING INNOCENT and sprinkle its blood hither and thither. Retarded.


Michele Bachmann

The Religious Right Gets Crazier and Crazier

Yikes. We seek God? We seek the ways of God? Is this woman aware of God's behavior in the Old Testament? The New Testament?

This woman is crazy. The US is the Saudi Arabia of oil and natural gas? Cultures are great but not all cultures are created equal? We have a gangster government? The Swine Flu is suspiciously occurring when democrats are in the White House? What?

Okay...this clip is crazy. My favorite part is about 1:15 into the clip where this crazy woman Bachmann says that carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful but there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas. Hah!!

Michele Bachmann desperately needs to take a United States History lesson before she goes and says anything else about how she thinks this nation was founded and how it grew.

You say your God stands for life. Really? Read the Old Testament and you will come to a different conclusion. Oh wait...God will allow killing if people piss Him off or are fighting for the wrong side (which would be any side that God is not on). What about His own people, hum? WWII ring a bell? Aren't the Jews supposed to be God's people? Why didn't He protect them? He is God, right? Has ALL the power in the universe at His disposal, correct? NOTHING goes without His express approval, right? Seems to me like He sure as shit didn't pick life then, and actually has a horrible track record of consistently picking death on mass levels.

This is creepy and eff'd up. Do you really want someone like this in the White House?

Oh my dear LORD, but isn't this freaking funny?!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

John Hagee: Can't Keep His Trap from Saying Stupid Shit

This is a Man of God?

Oh, how nice. Hagee is praying that God give the President the wisdom of Solomon as he (the President) leads the nation into war. Lovely.

What Hagee neglects to tell you in this nifty little clip is that Lincoln signed TWO requested national days of prayer and fasting, one signed on August 12, 1861, and one signed on March 30, 1863. The second resolution for a proclamation of prayer and fasting was originally introduced by Senator James Harlan of Iowa on March 2, adopted on March 3, and signed by Lincoln on March 30. Hagee should have mentioned that Senator Harlan's daughter married President Lincoln's son, Robert. Oh, and he probably should have mentioned that the American Civil War ended in 1865...which makes Hagee's claim of things 'suddenly' turning around for the Union total bullshit.
     But what I think is particularly interesting is what Hagee left out about the first national day of prayer that Lincoln signed into effect 1861. Read it, and in the first paragraph you will see that it was a committee of both Houses of Congress that REQUESTED that the President recommend a day of "public humiliation, prayer and fasting" that would be observed by those with "religious solemnities." There is a lot more to be read on both documents and hopefully you will read them both here: http://sdfa.org/lincoln_a.htm
     Please pay close attention to the language in both of the documents signed by President Lincoln and keep in mind that it is HIGHLY LIKELY that since BOTH resolutions were requested OF President Lincoln and not initiated by him that he did not write the bodies of the resolutions themselves, but only affixed his name at the end. Of course, I am very sure Hagee and loads of other psychopathic evangelicals would scream differently.
     But, even that doesn't matter because the idea that God intervened because of prayer and fasting is hilariously stupid, right? Unless it is God's personal policy to totally ignore the first day of the fasting and beseeching prayers of the Union, totally ignore the second day of the same as well, allow hundreds of thousands of soldiers to die horribly, and allow the areas affected by the war to be torn to shreds (literally). I suppose it COULD be God's policy if you consider what He did to the Israelites in the Old Testament.

     Okay...we will not discuss the hideousness of Hagee's suit jacket, but, his reference to Alexander Haig and the famous quote of being in charge is NOT from the 9/11 tragedy. It is from the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt of President Ronald Reagan.

     What the heck is this fuck-tard talking about? Why is he trying to use world tragedies to try to validate his stupid and ridiculous agenda and vicious God? Oooooohhhhh!!! GOD has a MIGHTY plan and it involves the deaths of MILLIONS of people with SIX MILLION of the dead HIS OWN PEOPLE. NICE.

     Again, Mr. Hagee, you are trying to define government and what government should be and needs to be according to a fantasy-riddled religious document. Step off, Mr. Hagee. Your imaginary God does NOT run this country. Some people like you think so, but that does not make it truth. The longer we can keep religious loonies like you and your pals OUT of politics the better.

     Like many others in the muck that results when you mix religion and politics Hagee makes absurdly stupid claims. Never mind the full extent of the political ramifications of what he says here...I only want to comment on one thing: God's treatment of HIS chosen people. Hagee can say all he wants that Israel has this great and grand connection to some great divine being somewhere in the great yonder, but in case Hagee has not peeked into the Old Testament and into the actual historical records of the 'chosen people' of God...this great supreme being has totally and completely treated HIS people with contempt and cruelty and not only that, but this great divine being has done this CONSISTENTLY. And you worry about other nations turning their backs on Israel?

     So, what you are saying is that BEFORE there were even people on the earth this great God of yours decided that His great 'plan' for mankind would include a day and minute and hour and all that happy horseshit where God would KILL one third of the population of mankind? You don't think that is likely to get you a bunch of converts, do you? In fact, it might get a few to collect their brains and to leave your precious little flock. You are a sicko. Your God is a sicko. Your Bible is also totally sicko.


Christine O'Donnell

People Like This Woman are Precisely Why Religion Must Stay Far Away From Politics

This is interesting. O'Donnell does not seem to understand black and white views of morality are not in any way, shape, or form practical or the same in every situation.

Oh my dear JESUS! This is someone who people want in a position of government?! Who cares whether or not people masturbate? Big goddamn deal!

Too many people blindly accept evolution as fact...according to O'Donnell. Did I also mention that she also thinks there is just as much evidence that supports the idea of Creation?

So...would O'Donnell rather that the young people who have sex NOT be instructed on safe sex? Seriously? Does she really think everyone is 'chaste' as she is? Maybe it isn't so much that she is chaste as it is she just may have a very low sex drive?

You would think that someone who professes to follow the instruction of God would know God would not be so hot on the idea of lying about where you were educated. I saw this clip and immediately thought to a previous clip where this crazy bee-otch goes on about how she has NEVER lied and is more honest than Abe Lincoln. Hah!

Oh dear me and goodness gracious. She really needs to get her facts correct if she is going to lie about being a witch or 'dabbling' in being a witch because witchcraft is NOT the same as Satanism which she references when she mentions being around a Satanic altar. She is mixing two different things, but I am sure that since her God and Bible tell her (or she thinks they tell her) that things such as witches and Satanism are bad that it wouldn't hurt to mix the two together.

HHAahAAHhA!!! HHaaa!! Oh mercy! How the HELL do people like this woman continue to make it as far into politics as they do? CHRIST!! Learn the goddamn founding documents, you crazy turd.

A nice little sandwich of Christine O'Donnell comments. Enjoy.

AAhhhhaahaa!!! This woman needs help and LOTS of it.









Ann Coulter

She Who Suffers From SBS (Stupid Bitch Syndrome)

What the hell is this hooker talking about?

Holy shit. Holy...holy...shit. This woman is a person? And she claims to be CHRISTIAN? Ann Coulter, you do absolutely nothing to help your faith or your cause.

Ann...you stupid bitch...the American Revolution was NOT a revolution of Christians. Please, oh PLEASE, go to the library and grab a stack of U.S. History books and start reading. Please.

This woman is the female version of Glenn Beck. Much like Beck often does Coulter makes a terrible habit of saying off-the-wall shit and making up facts without even taking the smallest glance at what the facts are and what the evidence is.

According to Ann Coulter if Obama is re-elected that will be the end of America and wealth. Not only that, but the base of the democratic party is stupid single females who do not have a man to provide for them so they are looking to the government to provide the role of the missing man in their life.

Oh Jesus, this is funny!

Whoopi Goldberg is totally awesome. I love the part where she asks Ann Coulter what Ann knows about being black. Outstanding.

This woman is a horrible person. Listen to what she says about other races (very racist) and then listen to how she either tries to make a joke or a spoof out of it, or how she denies saying such things altogether.

Ann Coulter has absolutely ZERO grounds on which to base her ravings against single mothers. She takes the statistics and twists them into meanings and categories to which they do not and should not apply. While she states a statistic that notes many of the criminals in prison were raised by a single parent (usually a single MOTHER) she is taking that information and applying it to the entire group of single mothers without properly considering any other factors.









Glenn Beck

What is Wrong with this Man?

Beck says that this nation has become an affront to God. Don't you believe it. This nation has its issues as does every nation, but what contributes to our nation's perceived greatness is our collective ability to push through our problems and apply solutions. We certainly DO NOT get it right all the time and sometimes the things we have done as a nation (to include the way we treat one another at times) are deplorable. 

However, contrary to what Mr. Beck has to say here our nation is not falling apart. He would like you to think so as the last vestiges of a talon's-grip upon the interpretation of rights in this country (and for all of its citizens) by many within Christianity are categorically  debunked and tossed into the garbage...where they belong.

Glenn, it does not matter what letters and founding documents you have studied over the years. Why? Because information and understanding and knowledge mean absolutely DICK if you persistently misinterpret such information. As far as your absurdly beseeching rhetoric for Americans to fall on their knees in prayer, fat-fucking-chance. 

And you know what? If you and all the people who think like you took half of the time that you spend preaching political doomsday crapola and instead used it for something positive instead of destructive, I bet there are a lot of things that would absolutely be in far better condition as opposed to how such things are now.

No, Mr. Beck, America is NOT one nation under God. You might want it to be and you might even need it to be considering half of the crazy shit you say. But, much like the belief of a flat world did absolutely jack shit to retract from the roundness of the planet, your incorrect beliefs and assertions do not change the fact this nation was most certainly NOT founded on the Bible and Christianity.

Hah! This shithead thinks education is not a right. Asshole. I am pretty sure 'education' would fall under life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And our rights do not come from your idiotic, sadistic, maniacal, twisted, and delusional Deity of that thing you call a HOLY Bible. Your God is a delusional son of a bitch who does not deserve one drop of the worship and fear He so desperately craves.

What the fuck is wrong with some people?

Glenn, Glenn, Glenn. People are beginning to change their faith and it has zilch to do with any 'outdated' concepts. People are gradually changing their faith because as time goes by they are becoming more and more aware of the fucked-up nature of what they believe and the fucked-up nature of the book such beliefs are founded on.

Does Glenn Beck ever check up on the truth or falsity of the crap he claims?

This just in...Glenn Beck is a moron. And he proves it.

Glenn, you asshole. Jesus did not have any say whatsoever as to whether or not He would be crucified, He had no friggin choice and this is for several reasons. Firstly, according to the Old Testament prophets He was going to be crucified no matter what. You certainly cannot have proof of God's words failing to come true by allowing Jesus to escape crucifixion. 

Secondly, God Himself said He sent His Son specifically for the purpose of being crucified. Everybody has to do what God says, even Jesus. Lastly, if Jesus is in fact a pure expression of God as a member of the Trinity (this would mean Jesus is ALSO God) He cannot contradict Himself by failing to do what He promised as such would be self-defeating.

You know, maybe we need idiots like Glenn Beck so we can remind ourselves from time to time of how NOT to behave and treat people.

Haahhhaaaa!!! This is so funny!

Glenn Beck is a true enigma of stupidity.

This is shameful, Mr. Beck. Shameful. You did this on purpose. Did you even think about these words before they left your mouth? You sir, are a complete fuck-tard.

WTF?!!!! I am glad I do not believe what you believe, Mr. Beck. Your fervent belief is not synonymous with truth and justice and wisdom. What people like me find confusing is the fact people actually believe all the shit you say you believe. Your belief is prejudicial, stereotypical, hateful, and wrong. Fuck you.








Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oral Roberts

Some Things Never Change

You gotta give it to the evangelists...because they are so wonderfully entertaining. This guy, Oral Roberts, is right up there with the rest of the evangelists that always find a way to taint the message of Jesus, although not irreparably. There are always more assholes in the world ready and willing to follow these guys no matter what they have done.

Geeze! This is pretty funny, especially the part where the guy has a dream about a 900 foot tall Jesus. This asshole even claims to have raised a child from the dead. You know, you would think that if someone is going to lie that they would at least make it believable.

You would be hard pressed to find very many evangelicals who have NOT rocked their organization with some scandal or other.

Don't even try to pretend that you are shocked. I wonder if he told the cops he had been drinking the blood of Jesus? I mean, wine IS used as the blood of Jesus so you figure His Holiness has, what, 10% proof alcohol minimum?

Good Lord! I have heard of stupid criminals...I think we all have...but how can these people be this dumb? Who misappropriates funds and then saves the proof on the computer and THEN loans that computer to someone? You would think that with their level of education they would at least give their crimes better thought. Hah! And they ALWAYS have something to say about the REAL truth.

Deliciously hilarious. And this guy is right, it IS people like Oral Roberts who fuck up religion and abuse the faith of those who blindly follow.

Oh, good gracious. These preachers really need to get a new trick because they have most certainly played this particular game for far too long. People HAVE caught on. Then again, maybe the right people are not catching on. Get the religiously misled to catch on and you might actually get somewhere.

Well, it is apparent that there is no shortage of Oral Roberts fans.

So...Oral Roberts has received a message from God about five things that were to SHORTLY come to pass. Remember, this was in the early fifties. What were these prophecies? Well lets take a peek: man cannot and will not destroy himself in that period of time (1950s). God was going to limit atomic weapons. There was going to be a visitation of man by angels. There was going to be a flood of supernatural events and evidence of supernatural powers. Mass miracle healing would begin taking place...this guy just goes on and on and on.

Holy crap. This is beyond creepy.







