This Guy has More Issues than Time and Newsweek
This guy is a real douchebag. So, his plan to removing sexual assaults in the military is to remove women from the military. Hummm. So, it isn't about controlling the behavior of the people doing the assault, but rather is about removing the women? Then he says something about men on men rape in the military is committed 90% of the time by serial homosexual rapists. This guy is completely and totally misquoting the article he is claiming to be quoting from. He takes the words that he likes from the article and then adds words of his own. Doesn't he know that God doesn't like lying?
No, Mr. Fischer, God did not create men and women with specific life duties as you so seem to think. I am sure you THINK God says that every time you dig into your little book of delusions and pick out whatever you think backs up your FUBAR claims. And if a man has a problem with a woman working and contributing to the family finances then just maybe that chauvinist SOB shouldn't be getting married. Your view of women is all FUCKED UP.
This guy is retarded. Seriously. Bryan Fischer wouldn't be saying what he is saying about any religion other than his own, right? Would he complain about, say, all mention of religion having to do with magic or Wicca or nature-based religions being mentioned? Of course not. He is trying to make himself look like a champion for religion when he is not. He is only a champion for HIS own religion and HIS own beliefs based on that religion. Stupid. So goddamn stupid.
Haahaa!!! Fischer asserts that Mormons support gays because they think that if they do they will eventually be able to restore the Mormon practice of bigamy. Hah! Oh, and as is his consistent fashion when taking to the airwaves, Mr. Fischer leaves out pertinent information.
This is just insanity. God gave man weapons? God gave man weapons to protect the children? If God is so protecting, you asshole, He sure as you-know-what wouldn't need guns (or any weapon for that matter) in order to protect anything. Your God is supposed to be all-powerful and able to do everything all at once and all the time. If He was so goddamn protective the children would not be hurt...period.
Ahhh, don't you just love it when a right wing conservative takes the Founding Fathers and the founding documents that they created OUT of context? And I'll tell you what, Fischer, I sure as f*ck DON'T want my rights in the hands of someone like you. Your God did not give rights to anyone or anything. Do you know why this is so? Because He does not exist.
This asshole is calling the Americans in the South pansies. Oh HELL no. HELL NO! What the heck is he talking about when he says, "...these people will not fight back?" What the hell does he think they were doing in the Civil War, going on an extended picnic? I would think he would also be aware of the members of our military who are from the South and the many wars that citizens from the South in the United States have fought in. Shee-it, one of my grandfathers is from Alabama and HE fought in Korea, so don't EVEN insinuate that my tough-as-nails, courageous grandfather is a pansy, you fucking nut-job.
Haahaaha!!! What makes you think that EVERYONE who is steeped in YOUR particular religion is physically healthy? And you DO realize that the statistic you are referring to is not solely representative of Christianity, right? You DO understand that they were in fact including Eastern traditions and faiths involving meditation and other practices not embraced by Christianity, right? Ahh, yet another example of Mr. Fischer purposely misquoting information in an effort to get his particular faith to look stellar. Good luck with that.
Yes, we are familiar with the wording of the Constitution. We are ALSO familiar with YOUR interpretation of the Constitution. Take it out of context all you want, douchebag. Claim all you want that the founders of this country intended for your particular faith to run this country and the lives of those who live within this country. Your claims were never true, are not now true, and will never be true.
Bryan, Bryan, are confusing the dictator-theocracy statements of the God in your Bible with our three branches of government. Notice that our three branches of government are separate from each other. Do you know why this was done? It sure as pickle-dicks had nothing to do with the Bible and everything to do with ensuring that a system of checks and balances would help maintain government in the long-run, and that one person or group within government would not end up with all of the power. You didn't pay attention in your government classes, did you?
Yeah, that is exactly right, Mr. Fischer, where WAS God when the shootings went down? WHERE WAS HE? Did all of the little children and teachers who were killed not believe in God, is that it? Is that why He allowed them to be killed? If that IS NOT the case, and I wager it is not, why did God allow little children and adults who believed in Him to be victims of a horrible crime? Hummm? Why didn't God just punish the particular people who do not believe in Him instead of making others suffer? And what about the families who lost their children or wives or husbands or people they loved? What did they do wrong to call for such horrendous judgment? If your God is that pissed off from people not actively filling His constant call for attention and worship His reaction is a clear indicator He is not worthy of ANY of the attention that is given.
Bryan Fischer is a real gem of a human being. Somehow he thinks and believes that allowing people rights when such rights are not in line with what the Bible has to say impinges on his right to religious freedom. Idiot. He may think so but his faith and his religious book have ZERO right or legal freedom to dictate who should and should not have rights and what those rights should be. Your out-of-this-world, insane argument is an excellent example of why separation of church and state is so important to the continuation of this democracy, this here United States of America.
The apostle Paul was a classic ego-chauvinist. You seem to forget that. As to your claim that Jesus did not have female disciples, that is incorrect. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna were disciples of Jesus and even supported Him out of their own efforts. You may find this in the eighth chapter of the Gospel of Luke. By the way you should probably take a look at Galatians 3:28 which says, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, NOR IS THERE MALE AND FEMALE, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
So, your God is SO incredibly powerful that instead of telling people directly what they are doing is wrong, God decides to play a game of Here-is-a-Natural-Disaster-Now-Guess-Why-I-Am-Angry-with-You? You would think that God in His infinite wisdom would see the idiocy of behaving in such an obtuse manner and just be upfront and fair and reasonable. And if God is omniscient, and according to your Bible He is omniscient, He would already know that people will screw up His edicts and would therefore take measures to prevent such things from happening.
Bryan, you and people who think and believe like you do are the furthest distance possible from being even remotely compared and likened unto Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks did not do what she did in an effort to be exclusionary of ANY group. Her approach was IN-clusional in purpose and in action and in definition. You really have zero grounds on which to compare yourself to a person of the character caliber of Rosa Parks.
Listen Fischer, the President was showing RESTRAINT and you are confusing that response with behaving cowardly. Restraint is a crucial necessity of President Obama, because if our country's leader reacted to serious situations in the manner in which you would we would all be fucked, and when I say "we" I am referring to the whole of humanity.
Hah! Fischer, you are taking straight from the playbook of the Holy Roman Empire in its heyday.
Listen here you fuck-tard, there have been many women to serve this country in the capacity of a soldier. I encourage you to look up Molly Pitcher (whose real name is thought to be Mary McCauley), Mary Marshall and Mary Allen in the War of 1812, Dr. Mary Walker in the Civil War, 150,000 WACs in WWII...the list goes on and on. Your assertions that women lack military capabilities are testament to your chauvinism.
Where in the world do you get the notion that being homosexual shortens a person's life? Wow. You seem to be suffering from a serious case of SAS, also known as Stupid Asshole Syndrome.
The freaks come out at night...including Bryan Fischer.
The real haters are the homosexuals? WTF? And remember this is coming from a guy who says that children who have homosexual parents should be kidnapped. If that isn't hateful I don't know what is.
Hah!! Listen to what these shit-for-brains fundamentalists have to say about environmentalism. These guys completely and totally and purposefully misrepresent the purpose and ideology of environmentalism.
Rrriiiiigghhhhhttt. You are just twisting all kinds of facts here. You have no shame. Pity. Oh, your references to the Revolutionary War are incorrect. Pick up a goddamn history book. Oh wait...that's right! People like you will only read history accounts that support your ridiculous and delusional claims.
I don't give a shit what the apostle Paul said, but I do wish to point out that Jesus said to come as you are. I am pretty sure Jesus outranks Paul.