Friday, August 2, 2013

God Speaks to Us

Why Does God Only Speak to Those Who Believe in Him?

God only speaks to His own He-Who-Has-Ears-To-Hear-Let-Him-Hear people. Convenient, wouldn't you say?

This video here is simply excellent. This gentleman is very clear and concise in his descriptions of situations as well as his interpretations of such. I agree with him that many Christians find it absolutely hard to believe that someone can believe in God with all of their heart as a child and then grow up to think and believe differently. It is very much the same situation for me. I grew up believing in God and everything that the Bible has to say about salvation and heaven and hell. For years I thought all of the people who did not believe the same as I did were in fact going to burn in hell. Thank goodness I do not believe such bullshit any more.

Being able to hear God speak to you seems to be a requirement for every Christian. Never mind that this is a lunatic idea, but do these same people think that their belief that God speaks to them is any more believeable than your standard belief in magic or sorcery or anything of the like? The belief that God or any proposed divine being would go out of their way to tell puny and mistake-riddled human beings to do something when the divine being could simply do it for themselves...and without preposterous.

Ahhh, the things people think they are being told by God, or by people claiming to be speaking for God.

God does not freaking speak to anyone because God does not exist. What you DO have is a bunch of people claiming to be speaking for God Who is all-powerful and omnicient, but Who decides it would be better to speak to a handful of people and then tell those people to tell the world what God told them. You would think that an all-powerful being would have the gumption to speak to everyone all at once instead of whispering to a few people who either get what God is saying ALL WRONG or who get killed or harassed for claiming God is speaking to them in the first place.

Isn't it lovely how this person or that person claims to be speaking for God while at the same time claiming that OTHERS who claim to be speaking for God are not properly discerning the voice of God speaking to them? RRRIIIIGGGGGHHHHT.

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