Read Ester Lighthorse's NEW e-book Turkey Broth for the Spirit: Just a Few Questions: the Pentateuch:
Wild Bill for Himself
So, I am cruising the Internet for video clips to post on my blogs and I come across this ultra-conservative, white, obviously Christian asshole who calls himself "Wild Bill." Apparently, Wild Bill thinks he has the answers as to why America has the problems that it has, and what America should do to make the problems go away. Sporting a ten-gallon cowboy hat, this man smugly offers his ridiculous, unwanted, dangerous advice. Assholes like this mo-fo are excellent examples of why religion has no place in government.
Here in this video we have Senor Wild Bill lamenting that individuals of low moral character have inundated the American Government, namely the White House and Congress. I think it is hilarious that every time conservative Christians find their grip on American politics loosening even more than it already has the first thing many of them do is rush to the nearest media outlet (newspapers, radio programs, Internet, etc.) and proclaim that not only are the changing laws and rules and regulations a sign of America's ever-decaying morality, but the bad things and the terrible problems that this nation is facing is actually a punishment direct from God. Basically, these nuts are saying that God is saying, "Fine. You won't do what I want you to do so now I am going to fuck you up." Great God you got there, pal. Keep Him all to yourself.
Here in this video we have Senor Wild Bill lamenting that individuals of low moral character have inundated the American Government, namely the White House and Congress. I think it is hilarious that every time conservative Christians find their grip on American politics loosening even more than it already has the first thing many of them do is rush to the nearest media outlet (newspapers, radio programs, Internet, etc.) and proclaim that not only are the changing laws and rules and regulations a sign of America's ever-decaying morality, but the bad things and the terrible problems that this nation is facing is actually a punishment direct from God. Basically, these nuts are saying that God is saying, "Fine. You won't do what I want you to do so now I am going to fuck you up." Great God you got there, pal. Keep Him all to yourself.
You know what, Wild Bill? I bet the young voters of America would appreciate you calling them the "dumb kid vote" about as much you would appreciate being called the "dumb white Christian cracker vote."
Listen here, Dickhead, your equating of asking for permission to assemble in protest with applying for a permit is incorrect. No one is saying that the people cannot gather in protest, you putz. America was built largely on protest and the right to assembly. Yet you seem to forget, oh brainless one, that it all began in the times of freaking horses and buggies. There were no vehicles zipping to and fro, there were no traffic flow problems to address, there were no real considerations given to how many people should or should not be in a given area in order to be safe from fire hazards, there were no fears of being attacked by terrorists with explosive devices and all that happy horseshit.
But nooooooo. You want to go and try to make some kind of grand conspiracy out of it simply because it suits your purpose of drawing attention to your bullshit cause. Assembly is great. People coming together to protest valid issues is great. BUT, we still have to do so safely. The permits are not given based on what the people are protesting, you moron. The permits are given based on place, time, number of people and how all of that affects situations of liability and danger.
Uh, hate to tell you buddy, but your logic here is severely flawed. You make it sound like every criminal running free in America is loaded down with an arsenal of war that is used to attack and abuse the American Public in its entirety. Again, you have displayed the common conservative Christian behavior of misusing facts and misstating facts in an effort to prove your point. FAIL.
YOU are America's leading liberalogist? That isn't even a freaking word, you Nimrod. Oh, and your comment about liberals never winning anything for valor...or something to that straight-up stupidity and you know it. But see, shitheads like you enjoy saying crap like that because you know that somewhere along the line there is going to be someone to get pissed off enough with your lies to turn around and give you a piece of their mind. Then when they do this you gleefully point at them and announce that their show of anger is a clear indicator of them being wrong and you being right.
Haaha!!!Hhaha!! Just another fat, white prick thinking that his race and his religion make him and his nonsense conspiracy claims better than everyone else. Don't lose that confidence.
Well. Well, well, well. What have we here but MORE of Wild Bill purposely misinterpreting and misstating various statistics in an effort to win people over to his uber-right conservative ways. What a demented asshole. Hah! Listening to this nitwit you would think that America has fallen apart like a maximum security prison during a severe inmate riot. Do you think that Mr. Wild Bill here knows that it is very easy to check up on the bullshit he claims?
Wild Bill, don't even try to make it out like any of your white ancestors suffered nearly as much as minority races. Were there white slaves? Oh, yes. That is a fact that is not difficult to prove. In their cases most of them ended up in indentured servitude. While their treatment was quite loathsome it still did not compare to what the blacks, Mexicans, and Native Americans suffered. So, don't even go there, mother fucker. Don't even. Not to mention, the fact that white minorities suffered does not in any way reduce the suffering of the other minorities.
Wild Bill forgot to mention how Christianity can be very dangerous to America. How so? Well, unfortunately you have some Christians out there who try very hard to convince as many people as possible that this country is going down the tubes due to falling away from the Bible and authority of God or some similar bullshit, and that Christians need to "take America back" in order to survive. It really does not matter what religion it is or what political party it is, because so long as the information provided is being used to trick people into fighting there is a problem.
Ahh, more 'scary' disinformation from our pal Wild Bill.
Manhood comes from God? Do you think Isaac thought so when he was about to be sacrificed by his father on God's command? Do you think Job thought so when God allowed everything to be taken from him? Do you think the women of the Bible who were raped thought so? Do you think the people who are treated terribly within religion think so? You make it sound like Christianity is such a PEACEFUL religion. Huh. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why don't you ask your friendly neighborhood Native American? Oh wait, there are probably no more left where you are from, right?
Wow. This guy is SO full of shit. Dude, you can't scare people into believing like you with your dumbass stories of your pretend God sending people to a pretend hell for not believing in a pretend God who you believe gives you so much power and authority. You do realize that since your God is pretend that the power and authority you THINK you have is also pretend, you see that, right?
Oh geeze. This is a bold lie. Not very hard to disprove, either. Hey Bill, you DID read the constitution where it says that no religion shall be established, right? People like you might THINK the USA is a Christian nation but that does not make it so. And what you are trying to offer as proof is NOT proof but rather is a severe distortion of fact, something Christians like you are very familiar with.
This guy is a member of the Delusional Christians of America Club where the members mistakenly think that this nation was founded by Christians (and God) FOR Christians (and for God).
This man is psychotic. Does he really believe what he is saying? Seriously, do you really think he believes everything he is saying? Does he realize what he is saying can absolutely be proven false within just a few clicks of the mouse and an Internet search?
Tell you what, Bill, let us say we agree to your proposal so long as we can also post in classrooms the truth about Christianity and its violent temperament That would be fair. Make sure the absolute truth about the Crusades and everything that happened to the victims of such Crusades are there for all to see. Oh, and include what the Christians did to the Native Americans. Oh, and to the Africans in some places. Oh, and the Mexicans. Oh, and anyone who thinks or believes differently. we want to make sure the kids make an informed choice, so make sure ALL of that information is there for them to see.