Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nostradamus and Christianity and a Convergence of Prophecy: Part II

Always on the Edge of Their Seats

Did Nostradamus have visions and hear voices? Who cares, right? Lots of people have visions and hear voices...and many of them are mentally unstable or flat out have severe psychological disorders. 

Oh, look! More predictions. Do you think this is because all of the predictions of the past that the world was going to end in 2011, 2012, and 2013 didn't work out?

If you really want to learn prophecy the best approach to take is to learn how to lie. Lie out of your ass. Lie as big as you can and as ridiculously as you can and maybe, just maybe, some poor sap or group of poor religious saps will believe you.

Did God send Nostradamus? Rrriiiiggghhhttt.

Hahaha!! Oh my dear lord! Somebody is smoking loads of crack! Listen to what this woman says...really try to listen to the entire message because it is a hoot. Who is our real father, brothers and sisters? Hah! This lady must have been a door bell in her past life because she is a total ding dong.

More people on crack.

Ahhh...isn't this nice? What do you get when you mix Christianity and Nostradamus? Crack.

Adam welcomes people into hell? I am not sure what to say about that. Interesting. What is with the wheel? Why not use a pentagram or obelisk or even a rhomboid? Hhahaaaa!!! Good stuff. There are alien ships all over the place? The New Jerusalem is made out of massive pillars and pearls twelve feet wide that are brought down by spaceships? Say what?

Wow. People can't seem to agree on much when it comes to the Bible, God, and Nostradamus. What does God have for us to know? I would say not much since so many people who claim to have that direct line to God all have something different to say. Maybe God is doing His Tower of Babel thing again and totally confusing the fuck out of people, hummm?

This is cherry. Nostradamus was a born-again Christian infused and filled with the Holy Spirit? You have got to be kidding me.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Claims by Preachers

Try the newest book Turkey Broth for the Spirit: Just a Few Questions that presents questions concerning the Pentateuch of Moses and the absurd cruelty of God that can be found everywhere in the first five books of the Holy Bible:

What have they been up to?

Let us take a look at what some of our old proselytizing pals have been up to, shall we?

Oh dear me...Cindy Jacobs. This lady is a hoot. She sits here and gives the most generalized 'prophecy' ever and then I suppose expects to be seen as having been enlightened by God? Shit, I have read better predictions from the daily Yahoo horoscopes. It's either going to be real bad or real good? WTF? That isn't prophecy, you ninny. That is a common goddamn sense observation. Every day that you wake up...every day that anyone wakes up, we know it is either gonna be good or bad. There is no mystery to that whatsoever and it is NOT goddamn prophecy. Geeze, woman.

This is hilarious! I like the little computer animated cartoon of Jacobs being dangled over a stage. The people who made this video seem to be just as bad as Jacobs, right? I mean, what are these people doing? Fighting over the people who follow God? Are they worried who the parishioners are going to give their money to?

Here, Pastor John Hagee would have you believe that the headlines of a newspaper that read "New World View In Washington" actually translate to "New World Order In Washington." Are you surprised that any God-fearing individual would go the length of twisting the words of another in an effort to get their message across to people? Also, in this clip Hagee says that the first version of the New World Order appears in Genesis 10 where Nimrod proposes to build the Tower of Babel. BUT this is not true. Sure, Nimrod does found Shinar, but he NEVER proposes building the Tower of Babel in chapter 10 (where it is not even mentioned by name) or in chapter 11 (where the Tower of Babel IS mentioned by name). And where in the hell is Hagee getting his information that the Tower of Babel was covered with signs and symbols of the occult and astrological symbols? What is the purpose of this bullshit? It doesn't sound scary. It sounds stupid.

Hagee wants you to believe that Atheism is a theological idea...that Atheists HATE God. Now I ask in the fuckey-doo can an Atheist hate a God they hold does not exist?

You KNOW I had to put in something that showcased Benny Hinn, right? This guy is freaking hilarious, thus it would be a sin to leave him out.

Holy shit!!! You GOTTA love Pastor Joel Osteen for his apparent innocence and ignorance in submitting a tweet that was later taken down. Oh mercy! This is a good one!!

I dare you to watch this and NOT laugh your ass off!! Hah! I had to keep stopping the freaking video because I was laughing so hard. Does Rexella Van Impe (apparently named after a pharmacy...maybe) always sound like she has either been smoking a doobie or has popped a couple of Valium with a side serving of Xanax? I laughed till I cried!!

Sooo...Kenneth Copeland has a cure for PTSD? Has he been holding out on all of the suffering soldiers all of these years? So the soldiers do not need medication or psychology? What?

This video is not recent but I wanted to include it because this woman is absolutely bonkers-nutso...big time. She really needs to bring it down a notch, stop smoking the crack and drinking Drain-o...SOMETHING.