Friday, September 27, 2013

Nostradamus and Christianity and a Convergence of Prophecies: Part I

Try the newest book Turkey Broth for the Spirit: Just a Few Questions

Read the newest Ester Lighthorse e-book:

The Old Seer and the Rugged Cross

Due to the IMMENSE number of videos in regards to Nostradamus and Christian prophecies about things that SEEM to converge, especially in regards to the supposed end of everything, this will all be broken down into a series of postings and this is Part I. Enjoy.
Many people around the world find the predictions in the Holy Bible irresistible to study. Many people around the world also feel the same way about that seer of seers, Nostradamus. So, what happens when you allow these two to mix? Simply put...STUNNING ENTERTAINMENT.

Whenever there is a major natural disaster, epidemic, market crash, terrible act of terrorism, or any other number of dark and unhappy events/situations occurring, in addition to watching the world news reports many people sit in front of the television with their Bible in their lap. The Bible is likely to have the company of a laptop which aids the television viewer to cross reference prognostications, prophets, world events, and Bible verses at light speed.

This IS rather interesting, isn't it? Is Christianity (or at least people within Christianity) open to what the famed Nostradamus supposedly spied with his precognitive eye? And, how did the old seer view the prophecy of the Bible? Well, let's take a look. This is going to be good!

So, Christianity and Islam will rage against each other? THAT is your vision? Islam and Christendom in conflict? Appropriating the spirit of prophecy? No shit, Sherlock. That is nothing new, not even during your time.

Well YES problems and persecutions of the Christian Church were going to multiply greatly! Sheeze! What ELSE did you think was going to happen when you invent a religion that says you are right and everyone else is wrong? DUH! And what is this, "...the likes of which have never been seen," bullshit? Of COURSE the likes of it have been seen...every damn time someone or some freaking group invents anything that they claim is the ONLY truth and then in addition to that the group goes out and creates an army, gathers weapons, and starts wars.

This next video is a real hoot. Uhmmm...hate to burst your little bubble there, oh ye of Christianity, but the Christian persecution has been here for a long time now. Not ALL Christians...but plenty enough of them...have been persecuting the non-believing element of this country for a long time now whether it be by trying to tell people what their kids should learn in school about science (because remember GOD poofed everything in existence in just a mere six days, or six thousand years if you go by 2 Peter 3:8), trying to tell people who they can and can't marry (I am a woman; if I choose to marry another woman that is no ones decision but mine and the woman I choose to marry), trying to tell people there is ONE WAY to believe when it comes to divine beings AND if you do not believe in this manner you are going to hell, trying to manipulate legislation that favors supposed 'God-Fearing' folk and shits all over those who do not care for divine fairytales, or any other screwy plan of the religiously deluded the Christian persecution has been here a long time.

Now that people are getting better and better at fighting this bullshit religious control crap those Christians (remember, I did say not all Christians are like this) who are used to having control are getting scared and nervous and pissed as they feel their control slipping away. They have NOTHING in response except to claim they are being persecuted. This is far worse than the pot calling the kettle black because some of these people are so desperate to prove their God and their faith they absolutely will do anything, and this is very bad for everyone else on planet Earth to include the non-violent Christians.

 Oh LORD! Here is some interesting prophecy about Christianity, Obama in his second term, and some grand plan of God that many people would be 'asleep' when this shit goes down. But wait! God plans to wake His people up just at the right moment so they will be able o tell who the so-called End Time Babylonians are. Yeah, I know. Seriously flippin' stupid. You have people who claim that Obama is the Antichrist and you have people who make absurd prognostications such as this. Don't they see their claims don't match? The Antichrist is a very POPULAR fellow with HUGE political pull who gets shit done that people have previously been unable to do. These people can't even get their own prophecies right.

Links of convergence? WHO makes this stuff up? Don't they have someone they pass this stuff by? Someone who could point out how stupid what they are saying sounds, you know, maybe someone who could help them to come up with something a least a little better?

Oh my word. What the HELL is wrong with people? Don't they pay attention to their own goddamn prophecies that supposedly come from the Bible? Obama is NOT the goddamn Antichrist, he CAN'T be the Antichrist namely because he has no power, ya big dummies. The Antichrist will be mega powerful, be able to get things done...a REAL mover and a shaker according to the Christian Bible. This simply is not Obama, who has more enemies opposing him in government at every turn than hateful Christians who WANT him to be the Antichrist care to admit. And what they hell are they talking about removing the so-called Antichrist from government? Don't they know when THAT is supposed to happen things supposedly get really, really bad? F**king idiots, I swear.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Three Cheers for Not Giving a Damn

Try the newest book Turkey Broth for the Spirit: Just a Few Questions which contains many questions directly related to this blog in particular of God's treatment of His people The book may be found here:

With a God like Him, who needs enemies?

Look, God does not care. God does not care about you, your family, your community, your nation, your culture, or even this planet. Since God does not care about such things it follows out of necessity that God would also give a frog's fat tush about offering any kind of protection to anyone, regardless of whether or not such an individual believes in God to begin with.

Life is what it is, right? We are conceived, born, live a bit, and then die. Everyone dies eventually. Everyone. This fact along with the reality of people who die far too early in their lives, children being murdered, people starving people, people blowing each other up, babies born with severe maladies and deformities, and so on and so forth, such things are great indicators that some great, invisible, all-powerful divine entity (assuming there is such an entity) gives a good goddamn about anyone or anything. Come to think of it, maybe God's give a damn is busted...just like in that song by Jodee Messina where she more or less says that she would like to give a damn but her give-a-damn is busted.

I suppose one of the biggest issues I have with the ridiculous Christian assertion that God cares for and protects Man are some of the verses in the Bible itself, terrible verses of God commanding genocide, allowing rape and incest, commanding burglary, and time after time and again exhibiting an extreme disregard and disrespect for human life. God is a horrible being in every way imaginable, especially when it comes to rendering punishment which more often than not punishes EVERYONE and not just the individual who does something displeasing to God.

Let's take a peek at some videos, shall we?

Who could have ever guessed that God gives so much consideration to politics and policy? A bigger question is why would God remove protection from people who are not even the ones who are FOR abortion? What is the deal with punishing everyone? Why would this great and all-powerful divine being who cares so very much for all of humanity and this nation punish the entire nation by removing His protection? Not all of the freaking people here agree with abortion, so why should their protection be removed? Why would they have to pay for someone else's terrible deed or someone else's disobedience toward God??

This guy is right. Why would some kids be protected by God and some not be protected?

Well, this would be a great way to prove God exists, right? I mean, if you believe in Him then according to His word you can drink poison and pick up snakes and He will rescue/be with you, correct? So DO IT, oh ye believers. Do it. Drink some arsenic or hollyhock or pick up a viper or rattlesnake. You could prove God with one swoop. But the catch is that ALL who drink the poison and pick up the snakes have to be saved. There can be none of this God saving these five or six or seven people and letting another five or six people die from the snake's venom or of the arsenic sandwich they ingested.

What have we here but some fine examples of God being protective of His believers/people. NICE.

Ohhhh yeahhhh. We are here in this mega gargantuan universe where for some reason or other a great God cares specifically for humankind...screw all other planets and whatever life may be upon them.

I like this video because, simply put, it is beautiful. Just...beautiful. Yet, God (at least the God of religion) has dick to do with anything pertaining to this beauty. Beauty exists outside of religion. In fact, I would say that in many cases religion has worked purposely and feverishly to destroy many of the things and people around us that are beautiful. "God doesn't make mistakes" sounds nice, but in reality it is nothing more than the staunchly religious trying to explain away the idea that if God was so ever loving perfect babies would not be born with Down's. It is just another way to explain away the utter imperfection and incompetence of God Almighty.

This is excellent!

Sooooo...when people don't get into trouble for the bad things they do it is simply God being gracious? Huh. Interesting. I would have thought it had nothing to do with grace and everything to do with having an imbalanced nature and process of dealing with the consequences of actions that are frowned upon either by God or men. Well, that or God does not give a damn.

Oh no no no. No. You cannot try to answer this question by trying to say there is a difference between God before He became Jesus and the God of the New Testament. Ooohhhhhhh no! Your own damn Bible says God is the same today as He was yesterday and evermore. Your own Bible says God is unchanging and has always existed. Remember in Genesis when God creates Man, God says, "Let US make man in our image and after our likeness." Thus are the holes poked into your answer. All of the expressions of God always existed and so the idea that the so-called incarnation of God to Man through Jesus Christ is what changed things up just will not wash.

Oh dear lord! This guy is hilarious!