Thursday, July 18, 2013

People Who Profess to Speak With God

Forget Tune In Tokyo:
Tune in God

For those who claim to be hearing the voice of God or Jesus or whatever deity it is they are claiming is whispering sweet nothings in their spiritual ears, maybe it is not so much that they are hearing the voice of the divine as it is they are hearing something they WANT to hear. They want to feel special and want to be pleasing to God and will jump at any chance to be spoken to by the Almighty God...even if it means they are hearing something that exists nowhere save for their own mind. And you know what else? 

If God is omni-present why doesn't He just speak to everyone all at once? And DON'T give me that, "Well, people don't always listen to when God talks," because that will not work. You say your God is all powerful and that includes making people listen. 

And don't try to pull the 'free will' card and say that God speaks and then gives people the choice of whether or not to listen. This plainly is NOT true as is evidenced by the Lord God PURPOSELY hardening the heart of Pharaoh so that the Children of Israel would not be allowed to leave. We all know what happened you can't lie about it. How do you know your God (a supposedly JUST God) is not purposely hardening the hearts of people now? Hummm? How do you know whether or not your God is leading b-zillions of people to a fiery end that is the equivalent of the chariots of the Pharaoh's army being swallowed by the Red Sea...on purpose?

I wanted to add this video to this post because I really wanted to say something about what this man has to say, not necessarily because he says that God or Jesus speak to him (a claim he never makes in the video and I am not claiming he did, so back off) but because he says that there are people that get a bit un-comfy when he mentions the name of Jesus. I think his analysis of why people seem un-comfy when Jesus is mentioned is incorrect.

This man makes the statements that, one, people are not bothered by talking about God because God is impersonal, and two, people ARE bothered about talking about Jesus because talking about Jesus is just a bit too personal. While this may be the case for SOME people it is certainly not the case for all people. I will use myself as an example.

I find it is far easier to speak with people who refer to the Almighty God of the Holy Bible as "God" and who then gradually move into talking about Jesus. I have many friends who are Christian and I often participate in religious discourse with some of them; civilized conversation that is. We do not yell or shout or try to speak over one another. There is never a part of the conversation where I am told I am going to hell, or where I tell them they have taken spiritual delusion to heights heretofore unexplored. 

Conversely, I also have some friends with whom I refrain from speaking about Jesus and that friggin' cross. The moment Jesus is mentioned, accompanied by obvious intent to drag me into the demented world of What-I-Believe-Is-Better-Than-What-You-Believe, I walk away.

However, my personal reasoning for this is nowhere near what the man in this video thinks. When someone immediately begins their religious conversation (or attack in some cases) using the name "Jesus" that is a sure sign to me that absolutely NOTHING I have to say will be considered or even remotely regarded as worthy of consideration. 

In my personal experience many of the people who immediately start slinging the name of Jesus around are the ones who give a good goddamn about any other belief or opinion other than their own. Thus, conversation with them is often a futile exercise in discourse, a terribly wasted effort.

Usually within the first six words of my response ("I do not believe in Jesus.") to their initial question (usually something along the lines of, "May I share with you the 'good news' of Jesus?") the ill-fated conversation that hasn't even really been birthed from the spiritual womb yet is aborted by the well-meaning, over-zealous Christian (who sometimes just happens to be a friend or acquaintance) interrupting my answer with, "But, aren't you concerned that you are going to hell?" 

I used to try to continue such conversations and try to find a way to convey that it is okay for them to believe they way they do. It is also okay for me to disagree with Christianity and the idea that there is an all-powerful deity absolutely in charge of and controlling of everything. My opposing view and patterns of thinking on the subjects of Christianity and God and Jesus do not make me evil or liable to their God, Holy Bible, rules and edicts, or prescribed fiery consequences for NOT believing the same way.

At least with many of the people who start off the conversation using the name "God" (usually in the form of a series of questions similar to, "You don't believe in God? Why? May I tell you about Him?") there tends to be a willingness to at least lean toward agreement that there just may be another way to think or believe. Of course, this 'leaning' toward agreement that there may be other ways to believe is given under great spiritual duress, often nearly entirely revoked with the believer's final, parting comment of, "But what if you're wrong?"

I can deal with being told I may be wrong or AM wrong. What I detest is trying to dicker with someone, who, immediately after me telling them I don't believe in Jesus, embarks on some half-ass crusade to "open my eyes" and turn my heart to Jesus by informing me how sinful I am. 

Some of the alleged sins that have been pointed out to me over the years include my make-up, my choice of clothing, my profession (job wise, not faith wise), my profession (faith wise, not job wise), my education, my divorce, and the music I listen to. Many, and thankfully not ALL, of those representatives and spiritual 'yes men' of the God of infallible and enduring love who become aware of the fact I am lesbian (either by my own admission or that of someone else) go entirely bananas and immediately foam at the spiritual mouth. A few have even literally started praying over me or for me.

That is why many people walk away when Jesus is mentioned. Many people tire quickly of listening to such bullshit. Seriously. That is what has happened to me. I got tired of listening to the hen pecking and the attempted bullying and being talked over. 

Most of all, I was tired of many of these followers of the God of Endless Love responding to me with hatred, ill-placed superiority, aggression, jeers, and the most delusional sense of pride. 

So YOU might think God or Jesus talk to you through dreams or visions or mental processes or your spirit or soul. Big damn deal. Deanna Laney, Dora Tejada, LaShaun Harris, Dana Hooper, and Dena Schlosser all thought they were doing what God told them when they killed their kids.

Houston, we have a mental problem.

No, God DOES NOT speak through people BUT fear does.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ken Ham

Man Whose Mental Chain is Missing Links

Ken Ham is a man with no shame, a man who will lie about proven facts and who HAS lied about such, a man who regularly makes bombastic religious claims, and a man who, despite his irritating stupidity, captures the attention of those who simply must watch this man stumble through existence out of sheer morbid curiosity.


What do we have here but Mr. Ham providing children with one of the more stupid arguments presented by creationists: Would you believe that this building just happened, or that someone designed it? Someone DID design this building and we know for a fact that it did not materialize out of an explosion. Therefore, man and the universe did not emerge from an explosion, but had an intelligent Creator.

This is nowhere near a valid argument especially when you consider that God 'poofing' everything into existence in six days (remember, the Divine Contractor made everything in 6 days, not 7; He rested on the 7th day) provides absolutely ZERO competition for the theories that this universe and everything in it developed over billions and billions and billions and b-zillions of years. And don't forget to see that Ham is using the existence of an inanimate object to try to rationalize how animate objects (people, animals, plants) came to be. Stupid.

But hey, this is great, right? I mean, here we have a man teaching children to ignore instruction and common sense, rational thinking. Don't listen to what science has to say, listen to what God has to say. Of course, God isn't saying a goddamn thing since He does not exist. Some guy who fervently claims God exists says to believe in God rather than what science has to say. And people wonder why we have some of the social issues that we have.

Okay, here in this video Mr. Ham would like for you to believe that a spiritual dead-ness is spreading all over the planet, and in areas like England this so-called dead-ness has already taken great hold of society. Then he uses the story line found in a newspaper where some jihadist freak wants to see the flag of Allah flying in Great Britain to try to back up this impending religious doom he is trying very hard to build up in the viewer's mind.

The purposeful misuse of the article as some kind of proof as to the mental state of societies and cultures around the world is flippant and worthy of nothing more than contempt. Also, Mr. Ham can vilify other faiths all he wants but that will never take away from the disgusting traits held within Christianity. EVERY religion has its problem, sometimes HUGE problems and Christianity is most certainly not immune from critical analysis. Trying to make rival religions appear horrible in an effort to make Christianity look better or more appealing should be the first clue to the searching soul to continue their search lest they become mired in the stupidity and wickedness of many religions...including Christianity.

Mr. Ham goes on to comment about the practices of Islam that he tries very hard to make sound intolerable and cruel and mean. Maybe someone should remind him of some of the instructions given by His God in the Bible that he holds as truth. The Bible instructs the stoning of children who disobey their parents, states that if a man rapes a woman he may marry her (she has ZERO choice in the matter), instructs God's people to put to death anyone working on the Sabbath...and on and on and on stupid and senseless instructions fill the text of the Bible.

Oh, but maybe Mr. Ham would say that is all OLD Testament and not NEW Testament which is God's NEW covenant with man. Really? So...I guess the words of God DO fade just like the flowers and the grass, because if God felt the need for a new covenant doesn't that by nature negate the old covenant? Why is there a new covenant if the words of God stand forever and never fade? How is your faith any more valid than another?

I love this clip. Totally hilarious! Ham keeps asking questions that leave lots of room for pointing out the fallacies in his thinking and religious claims, or he makes claims that are flatly contrary to what modern science can prove...and in some case is contrary to what his own Bible says. Huh. Forget what happened to the dinosaurs, what happened to Ken Ham's brain?

This video is excellent and does a good job in going point by point in dissecting the claims of Ken Ham in relation to Bill Nye and statements made by Bill Nye, the manner in which Ham deliberately distorts remarks by Bill Nye, and the absurd 'scientific' connections that Ham tries to make but fails miserably in doing.

Sooooo...there are actually several things going on in this video. Here, Mr. Ham tries to prove that the Christian faith/Bible are not racist by using Rahab as an example. He asserts that Rahab was not killed because she believed in the one true God. Ken Ham and every other Christian throughout the history of Christianity can try all they want to make this claim, but there is ample proof that this entire story is bullshit, so much so that more than just a few scholars agree that this is the case.

But never mind the assertion that this story may be allegorical, right? Let's look at WHY Rahab was spared. Did she do it because she loved the Hebrew God? Nope. Joshua 6:25 says, "But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, with her family and all who belonged to her, because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho-and she lives among the Israelites to this day."

Seems to me that the verse clearly indicates WHY Rahab and her family were spared and it has jack shit to do with believing in or loving the Hebrew God. Perhaps you will point out Rahab's own statements in Joshua chapter two. The only things Rahab makes clear in chapter two is that she is frightened, in fact the entire city is frightened about the Israelites coming to destroy them. Rahab makes the comment that God is in the heavens above and the earth below, but that is not an admission of belief in God, and neither is it a statement of love for God. 

Hebrews 11:31 says, "By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient." This is not an affirmation of Rahab's faith in God, but rather is indicative of Rahab's belief, her faith that if she helped the spies they would stay true to their word/promise to her and not harm her or her family.

Ham goes on to say that Rahab is a descendant of Ham (one of Noah's sons) and married an Israelite and because of that she is in the line of Christ. Okay. Rahab may have married an Israelite but that does not automatically change her genealogy to be in the line of Christ. Again, she is NOT automatically or by default in the line of Christ by marrying an Israelite. She must be from the proper lineage.

So sorry to pop your bubble Mr. Ham, but Rahab was NOT from the line of Ham. She was from the line of Shem. Where do you get your information that Rahab is a descendant of Ham? The Bible clearly states she is a descendant of Shem and not Ham. If Rahab descends from Ham she is NOT in the lineage of Christ. Period. End of story.

Also, in this video Ken Ham tries to use the story of Rahab to assert that the intended message of the story is that before people get married they best be sure to verify that they both believe in the same God. Oh, and that God must be the Hebrew God. Seriously?

Well, what have we here but a shameless threat intended to strike fear in the hearts of parents who wish to prevent their children from going to hell. Be afraid, be VERY afraid for more and more children in Christian families are going to college in the course of their educational pursuits only to have that education damage their faith or revoke their belief in God in its entirety.

This video is deliciously funny. Answers with Ken Ham? Forget that. It should be called Bullshit with Ken Ham. Mr. Ham also makes the comment that the message of salvation in the Bible is the "Good News." This is preposterous. A message that boils down to Believe-This-Way-Or-Die is nowhere close to being considered in the running for what constitutes good news.

Haahaa!! This is just too good to leave out of this post.

Ken Ham is asking for people to pray for America. That's nice. Really. While I take no joy in being a stick-in-the-mud here (who am I kidding? I love it) I must point out that prayer will do dick for America. Know why? There is no action in prayer. God will not make the United States better as part of some heavenly program where the harder people pray the more likely there will be divine intervention. Nope. If Americans want to make America better they will find ways to do so and actually do those things. Helping the homeless and abused, treating people with respect instead of contempt, practicing tolerance for those who think and believe different faiths or no faith at all, being kind and compassionate, expressing appreciation for life and love and humanity...I could go all day with this, right?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Chuck Missler

Taking Christianity to a Whole New Level of Idiocy

Chuck Missler is an evangelist who would have you believe some of the damnedest things you have ever heard. I think that as we move further along in time/existence that more and more of the ardent religious folk of the universe will do everything in their power to try to incorporate technology and human behaviors and governmental practices into their spiritual beliefs in an effort to prove the existence of their defective deity and that deity's equally defective plans for humankind. 

So, Chuck Missler thinks that Jesus gave the disciples some sort of 'briefing' as to when He would be returning. Please. If it was such a briefing of necessary info on Jesus returning then there would not be so many freaking people with so many different ideas of when Senor Jesus is due to return.

Here, Mr. Missler would like for you to believe that the likelihood of one man fulfilling all of these amazing and astounding prophecies is in an area of mathematics simply out of this world. This is a false argument. First of all, not one thing about these so-called prophecies can be shown as fact. Prophecies are guesses, and when what is prophesied actually happens out of pure coincidence that is not confirmation of the truth of the prophecy or of the truth of the prophesier. 

Second, people throughout all of history have been prophesying all sorts of crap for ages; doing such is simply part of the human condition and the deep desire to know what is going to happen in the future. But the really crazy part is if people really want to know what is going to happen all they really need to do is look into recorded history. People are creatures of habit. Whatever people are doing now you go to the past and find out where people were doing the same thing or something very similar. Then study that and you will have your answer of what is going to happen. It is not a difficult concept to grasp.

Lastly, Mr. Missler's mathematical formulas for his prophecy mumbo-jumbo mean absolutely squat since he is talking about the make-believe. Forget what the odds are that some guy will fulfill your prophecy. Instead, consider what the odds are that your religion is over-the-top delusion that has unfortunately become truth for many unsuspecting and ignorant individuals and groups yearning for deeper understanding of everything that life is. It is okay to want to understand life more. It is not okay to take any old explanation that comes along that claims to have all of your answers, actually all of THE answers to everything, an explanation that basically says you can have all of the answers to life that you seek...if only you believe THIS way. That is crap.

This is interesting. Here you are asked to consider UFOs, what they are, where they are from, and what their purpose is. You are also asked to consider what the Bible has to say about UFOs. Yep. You read that correctly. Missler wants for you to consider what the Bible has to say about UFOs. Well, three cheers for trying to garner more lost souls for Christianity by trying to include alien lore with religion. 

Do I think UFOs are real? Do I think there is intelligent life in the universe besides man? Yes. I think the odds for that are heavily in favor of there being other intelligent life. It only makes sense that with BILLIONS of galaxies in the universe there would be other intelligent life. What I DO NOT believe is that aliens are some kind of demon race hellbent on deceiving mankind and thwarting the plans of the Heavenly Father. This particular sermon/speech by Missler has several parts to it, so if you wish to view them simply click on the links provided by YouTube after you watch this video.

I want to know how people can believe this crap? God is going to use strange demonic creatures in order to draw the world into a war with God that the world cannot possibly win? Ooooo-kay. Uhmmm...I have just a few issues with this ludicrous sounding story. One, while I do think there is intelligent life in the universe other than man I have not yet personally met such a being in such a way that would make me think that they are demonic or wicked or against God or whatever. Have you met one, Mr. Missler? How do you know they are demonic? Whose words are you taking as total truth in this matter? Do you always believe everything people tell you about others without trying to ascertain for yourself another's character or intent?

Two, you say that to war against God is crazy and impossible to end in any other way than victory for God. Then you say GOD is going to use these UFO demons of yours to draw the world into conflict with God. Which is it? Are others gathering to war against God or is God Himself simply manipulating the whole entire thing in order to make Himself look like a big, bad victorious deity?

Lastly, did you dig into the Bible and find that verse you cite as back-up to your crazy claims, or did someone else bring that to you? I am curious as to how you chose to use such a verse. Of course, if people try hard enough and believe strong enough they can put just about any meaning they want to just about any verse in the Bible.

According to Wikipedia, Socialism is, " economic system that is characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy." Where Mr. Missler gets his definition of the same is hard to say. I would guess that part of it is a natural proclivity of many Christians (not all of them, so if you are offended by this statement don't be) to say absolutely anything in an effort to try to prove their faith and their God. Of course, if such things could ever be proved they would not be faith, would they?

Here in this video Missler talks about how the loss of property can be linked directly with loss of liberty. I would say there is value in that statement. Then Missler says something along the lines of the Bible being pro-family and pro-liberty and all that horseshit. I would say there is NO VALUE in that statement. I think there are plenty of verses in the Old Testament in particular that quite clearly depict the wickedness of God as He instructs His chosen people to TAKE the property of others, take the liberty of others, and even take the lives of others.

Socialism may be a terrible form of government, but I do not see the tyrannical tendencies of the Christian God and His spiritual/physical/mental dictatorship as being any better.

Okay, what is the deal with Christianity being to goddamn obsessed with money? One of their favorite subjects/topics when trying to convert people or when trying to scare the begeesus out of people who already believe in God, is to tell people that in order to gain 'control' of everyone (in particular in order to make life more difficult for Believers) the government is purposely taking control of all the finances of everyone, everywhere. 

My question for Christians is why the hell should you care about what happens to the money? If you already believe it to be true, if you already have it set in your heart that the government is going to use money to control Believers in an effort to thwart God, if you already hold it to be true that the love of money is the root of all evil why don't you let the subject be? Why should money matter to you? Why do you get so uppity and so worried every time you think something funny is happening with the money we use?

So we are headed to a cashless society. Big damn deal. That is a good thing. Consider how much paper will be saved and how much less likely it will be that people will lose their money. And don't even try to say that a cashless society will be used by the government to manipulate what money is in your bank account. Tell you what, the only things that will manipulate the money in your account is whether or not you work and whether or not you pay your taxes and whether or not you pay your bills. Will there be mistakes? Of course there will be. I have had mistakes with my own banking before, geeze. It is not something so uncommon. 

Besides, isn't one of the signs of your fairy tale deliverer returning supposed to be a move toward a cashless society? You should be jumping for joy instead of acting so goddamn afraid.

This is pure stupidity. Here Missler wants you to believe that the Bible is a hologram that can only be seen properly by the light cast by the Holy Spirit and not by any other light. This is so goddamn stupid and a blatant twisting of scientific facts and theories and premises that I am shocked.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kent Hovind

Is the doctor in?

Kent Hovind is an interesting fellow. According to some of the offered information in regards to this man he is Dr. Kent Hovind...the doctorate being a PhD and not a medical degree. However, if you take the time to peruse Hovind's educational background you might be surprised to discover that his claims of having earned a PhD are questionable indeed.

Go to this site and really look at what it says in regards to Mr. Hovind's PhD dissertation:

In the beginning of this video Kent Hovind tries desperately to show how people can indeed live to the ages claimed in the Bible, such as Methuselah being 969 years-old when he died. Then he takes an immediate and sudden left turn when he starts talking about how humans and dinosaurs coexisted. The so-called facts that Hovind states are terrible distortions of tidbits of truth here and there, and Hovind shows no shame in making these absurd claims.

I love the claim that Hovind makes in this video that believers of the Bible have always known that the earth is round. I suppose he forgot that the church leaders and founders of old thought the world was flat. Those church leaders during Galileo's time very ardently believed that the earth was the center of the universe; of course, now we know that is not true. Anyways, here we run into the same problem of Hovind spewing ridiculous information as though it were indeed the truth he so desperately wants it to be.

Don't you just love the purposeful misrepresentation of fact? This guy must have been a politician in a past life.

Here Hovind tries to use literal mythology as proof of his assertion that dragons did/still do exist. This is such a ridiculous assertion that I am surprised that people actually buy into the bullshit Hovind regurgitates. There is a part in this video that discusses the Ica Stones being frauds, yet Hovind continues to use these fraudulent artifacts as proof for his crackpot theories. Nice.

This video is curious as it opens with some horseshit about eating the little seeds in the pit of a peach. I don't give a rat's ass what this Hovind guy says, I would never eat the seed. I suggest that you DO NOT eat the seed as Hovind suggests. The seeds are not good for you no matter how many times Doctor Hovind asserts that eating the seeds prevents cancer.

The gentleman in this video comes across as a tad strange, but I think what he has to say is valid and appropriate in response to Kent Hovind. He very easily points out the problems in Hovind's theories, especially when it comes to light and time and how such function within the universe.

Hovind's ideas in regards to how the starts have formed and to what Boyle's Law applies are totally jacked up. Hovind does not even try to give explanations as to why a law that applies in a closed system would apply in other systems. He just simply takes the law and says that it applies.

The man in this video is correct...Hovind must assert that all of these scientists in astronomy and cosmology and related subjects are all wrong, because if anything they have to say is correct then Hovind's retarded theories on a young earth have nothing left to do but languish in the shame of their stupidity.

Yes...the idea that light and the stars are billions of years old is kryptonite to creationist theories. I love the rooster crowing in the background of this video.

Hah! Listen to how Hovind simply cannot seem to answer the goddamn questions straight up. Not only does Hovind think that there is some grand layer of fossils that is proof for the Great Flood of Noah, but he would also have you believe that nearly every branch of science was begun by creationists. Wow.

Here Hovind has the audacity to say that there are many people who believe things about the Bible without actually studying and researching these things before actually believing them. Uhmmm...I hate to break it to you Mr. Hovind, but that is totally the pot calling the kettle black.